Back Glass for Zac Pinball


New member
Apr 8, 2014
For anyone who is interested, I have created my own backglass images for Zac Pinball. I've got a link below to my folder zipped up out on dropbox. I used Fly Cam to grab a screen shot of each table's back glass and then edited in Paint to set resolution to 1280x1024. Then I created a web page and have a link for each backglass. I use IE 11 on my 2nd montior and set it to Full Screen Mode (F11) so the image fills my whole screen. When I change tables, I simply go to my 2nd monitor and just put mouse cursor at top of window to pull down menu and hit my back button to get back to my web page and choose my next back glass.

Download the zip and extract the folder anywhere. Send a shortcut of "Zaccaria Pinball backglass.html" located inside that folder to your desktop of your 2nd monitor. Pinball

At any rate, you'll have a backglass image of the tables if you prefer to setup your own method of back glass for Zac tables.

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