Scores not showing on leaderboard


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere but I did have a search but couldn't find anything.
Since the new FS login, my high scores don't get published to the leaderboard. I can see the Overall list, an entry in Friends showing my score but nothing in My Score.
My high scores are nothing to write home about but it would be nice to see how low down the list I am. Lol
Is it because I have selected to use FB scores as well?
I have tried logging out and logging in again but still no joy.


New member
Jun 24, 2012
Unfortunately, the situation here is that your new FarSight login is not connected to your old Facebook one, so any scores you achieved before the latest update will be listed under your real name on your Facebook account, while new ones are registered with whatever nickname you chose when you signed up for the new FarSight leaderboards. I've asked if there's any plan to merge the two accounts, but this stuff can be pretty tricky, so I imagine it probably won't happen. Most likely you'll need to beat all your old high scores to regain your ranking on the leaderboards. Not sure if it's worth putting a lot of effort into that right now, though, because the leaderboards are totally hosed for a number of other reasons too (for example, all previous scores from Black Hole & ToM have been swapped, and the same bug affects FunHouse & Cirqus Voltaire too).

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
As long as you use the same email that is stored in your facebook account for the new FS system the two should key the same entries in our database. I would double check the email you used. If you still have trouble post your email and I can query the db.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
As long as you use the same email that is stored in your facebook account for the new FS system the two should key the same entries in our database. I would double check the email you used. If you still have trouble post your email and I can query the db.

Yeah, I use the same email address and did get one of my higher scores recently with the FS login as well just in case it had nothing to display. If you could check, that would be great. It's

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
I checked that email and I am finding records, for example

TOTAN: Viking 5120990

Theatre: Viking 335551440

Unless you have re-played those tables it seems to be setup properly, unless you put the wrong email (which doesn't sound like you did) for the new login I am not sure why you are not seeing them.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I checked that email and I am finding records, for example

TOTAN: Viking 5120990

Theatre: Viking 335551440

Unless you have re-played those tables it seems to be setup properly, unless you put the wrong email (which doesn't sound like you did) for the new login I am not sure why you are not seeing them.

That is really weird. Those are the scores that show up under the Friends section with my real name as I assume that is linked to Facebook, but it simply says 'None' when I view the My Score section. I'm not even sure what is meant to show up in that screen. My postion in the overall list?


New member
Jun 16, 2012
Tried that already. Even removed the FB authorisation and re-allowed it but still no joy.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
I even wiped my data (backed up of course) in attempt to start afresh but even that didn't work.


New member
Jun 16, 2012
(Sorry for spamming the forum but Edit Post doesn't work on my phone)

I have also attempted uninstalling and downloading everything again and also no joy.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
Damn, 1 just got over 1,900,000 on BK which I'm pretty happy with and I cannot find it anywhere. My Facebook email is different from my TPA account email so does that throw things? I just deleted the app from FB and tried again but have nothing showing.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
it does take a while to post, perhaps that was it. No technically it shouldnt mess with anything, you can have as many accounts as you want.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Viking, please check your private messages on this site, we will take this offline and see if we can't figure out what is wrong.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
Just checked again and no scores show for me. Tried logging out and in again. Do you always need to be logged in or will scores update once you do if you've been playing offline?

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
you have to be logged in and connected to the net, perhaps that is what caused the issue. Currently we don't support offline support, but we plan to in the future.


New member
Aug 6, 2012
Damn, that was a good game too. I don't remember my highest score on the real BK table. Oh well, will have to keep plugging on and make sure I'm looged in!


New member
Jul 3, 2013
This seems to be the best place to ask this. I also have a score that I obtained last night and shows no sign of posting to the leaderboards yet.

Last night, finishing around 1030pm PDT, I reached 222,556,800 on Funhouse. This score shows on the table high score list on my device (ipad), and it was sent to my facebook wall as well. It also credited me with 1,000 HOF points. But, the score on the leaderboard is still my old 119k score.

Anyone have any theories on why it doesn't show on leaderboard yet?

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