Mosh pit super jackpot help


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Anyone got any tips for this? Mostly about making it easier to start I guess?
I'm finding I spend ages trying to activate it and then get 5 or so ramp shots before losing the balls and having to spend ages to restart it (after a reset naturally).
My tactics for hitting the spinner are as follows.
From a left full trap you can roll the ball down a little before flipping and it might go through the spinner but its a narrow shot and if late you've got a good chance of it going SDTM.
From the left loop you can hit late with the left flipper and rebound from the Dracula targets. Not a very high percentage due to timing difficulty and its reasonably ball speed based. Great thing about this technique is it seems the best way to get repeat shots on the spinner
From a full right trap you can let it roll a little down the flipper before flipping and theres a small chance it'll go through the spinner although most times it'll clip the scoop, bounce and enter the scoop. Or it'll hit the Phantom target on the edge of Frankenstiens ramp. If its the scoop you can hold both flippers for a free right trap and try again but eventually you'll light mummy or drac and will spend a while waiting for them to finish etc.
After a slow transferal (best seems when ejecting from Creature and letting it just bounce over without any flipper action) you can hit early and mimic the right trap method but the ball speed gives it a little extra angle that means its got more chance of hitting the side of F's ramp and sliding up to the spinner. Might not go all the way around sometimes but is usually enough to advance the mosh pit counter.
Anyone else got anything better?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Super Jackpot during Mosh you can claim by completing the Frank ramp 10 times (not in a row). Just trap the ball(s) on the left flipper and then consecutively make the Frank ramp. Make sure to time your shots, though.


New member
Jun 29, 2012
I found the easiest and quickest way to start Moshpit for me was this:
Trap ball on right flipper.
Learn the timing for sending a trapped shot off the right flipper straight up through the moshpit spinner.
The ball will come down the left orbit with some speed... leave the left flipper down
The ball will bounce over to the right flipper for another Trap on the right flipper.
Repeat 5 times.
Hit the Concert Hall Scoop.

With Moshpit started,
Hit the center again to gain additional balls
Try to get a cradle separation so that you have a ball or two trapped on the left flipper and on ball trapped on the right.
Send the ball from the right flipper up Frankenstein ramp which will feed back to the right flipper.
Repeat over and over.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
this is a tough one for me. i think what everyone above me has already said. has said it all already. i expect to get this goal sometime this week, i keep getting a little closer each time i go for it.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
i have a question... lets say you hit 6 shots up the frakenstein ramp during moshpit multiball, lose all or all but one balls. if you are able to relight (24 shots) moshpit multiball. does it remember and give you credit for the previous shots you already made? or does it start over and you still have to make 10 shots?

just wondering.


New member
Jul 27, 2012
It starts over at 0/10, I just confirmed this. I got to 32 mosh shots. You actually get another extra ball at 30, something I did not know before :) The third mosh pit starts at 42, unfortunately I drained before that.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
It starts over at 0/10, I just confirmed this. I got to 32 mosh shots. You actually get another extra ball at 30, something I did not know before :) The third mosh pit starts at 42, unfortunately I drained before that.
There's a fourth Mosh Pit at 60 as well.

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