Bug Lost High scores and Goals on CotBL & Black Knight

Storm Chaser

New member
Apr 18, 2012
I am not sure what happened but I got a high score while playing Black Knight offline (don't know if that is the cause though). Started and restarted the app a couple of times, for different reasons.

Now, when I came home (where I have wi-fi) I realized I have lost all my high scores and goals on Black Knight and Creature...Seriously, WTF? These games, for me, are a lot about achieving those goals and improving your high scores. I have played games for hours and hours to beat a high score. T H I S S H O U L D N O T B E P O S S I B L E !!

I am glad my high scores on the older tables still exist but who knows when this bug will erase them as well. I thought the usual bugs were bad but this is a dealbreaker...


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I wish there was an easier way to save goals and scores on iOS devices other than exporting the file.

Sorry to hear that.


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Argh!! Had the same thing. Had just gotten all the wizard goals on Ripleys and was on a super high when I decided to go back and check which goals I was missing on the other tables. It should have just been the battle goal on MM but no. I've lost all BK and Cftbl goals and scores. The trapdoor achievment from funhouse, the hideout and multiple jackpots from CV and the special and mosh pit jackpots from MB! Hours and hours of dedication lost!

This is the second time I've lost achievements/scores and when you add in the constant crashing, flipper bugs and other collision issues it's just far far too much.

Sort it out farsight! This just isn't acceptable.

P.s anyone know a way to hack the achievements into being ticked off. No way I want to spend even more time on the anal ones again. The score loss is a pita but easier to get back from playing.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I get the same thing with gorgar all the time...I've gotten all the standard goals like 5 times today...m'eh, it's annoying but i only care about score and I only care about that on the consoles but it's irritating seeing the goal reminders over and over again...in fact, i got goal# 3 twice in a single game. I had to put my phone down and it shut the screen off and next thing i know my goals are reset and my nudging is set to touchscreen instead of shake.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
on xbox you have to achieve the goals and then actually finish the game not quit it, so the ticked goals get saved...

but i guess you guys are talking bout a real bug

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