Gorgar: White balance horrible — Affects gameplay


Nov 9, 2012
I didn't see this in the master list of Gorgar issues. Playing on a Mac, the white balance is just horrible. I am playing with all video preferences maxed.

Anything white (or with a white background) is just blown out like video shot through a bright, sunlit window. I usually can't even tell if the white lights on the playfield are lit. This is particularly a problem with the high-scoring shot in the eject hole. You also can't tell if you have G-O-R or G-A-R completed. I have to keep track of all of this in my head. The instruction cards at the bottom of the playfield are just white blurs with a faint hint that there might be writing on them. Only the largest font in the lower-right is visible (cost and balls per game.)

It wouldn't surprise me if this were a Mac-only issue, but I don't have Gorgar on another device to check.


Nov 9, 2012
Is one of the video preferences labelled brightness or gamma?

Sadly, no, and Gorgar is the only table where gameplay is affected (I seem to recall one other table having unreadable instruction cards, but that's not a big deal.) I could adjust gamma at the OS level, but I hate to do that for one table. I suppose I could create a "Play Gorgar" script to alter gamma, run TPA and then restore the gamma on exit.

Or FS could give the Mac the smallest amount of love and actually fix the problem.

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