Graphical Comparison


New member
Nov 14, 2013
Don't know if this is the right section, but I thought I'd post this video I made, showing how far the pinball games have come in terms of graphics/physics. Really amazing.



Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Nope, don't see any difference at all :rolleyes:

Weird how you can tell how floaty the physics were in PHOF just by watching. I do kinda miss the glass reflection though. Or at least as an option.


New member
Nov 14, 2013
PHOF will always have a special place in my gaming heart, though, haha. At the time it came out, it was really awesome.


Apr 12, 2012
Even for the time, I thought the Gottlieb PHOF was awful. The graphics stunk, the physics were bad, and, well, it's Gottlieb. I was really, really hesitant to pick up the Williams one because of how bad I felt the Gottlieb one had been. The fact it had Funhouse on it got me past that issue :) The Williams PHOF was such a huge jump over Gottlieb, it's not even funny. Way better graphics, way better physics and, of course, much better tables.

The jump shown in that video is pretty amazing though. That said, I still think there's a lot of room for improvement and that TPA hasn't really reached the high-end of its capabilities, graphically, yet.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Even for the time, I thought the Gottlieb PHOF was awful. The graphics stunk, the physics were bad, and, well, it's Gottlieb. I was really, really hesitant to pick up the Williams one because of how bad I felt the Gottlieb one had been. The fact it had Funhouse on it got me past that issue :) The Williams PHOF was such a huge jump over Gottlieb, it's not even funny. Way better graphics, way better physics and, of course, much better tables.

This sounds just like me. Didn't like Gottlieb PHOF much, even though I love pinball, and I was reaaaallly hesitant to get Williams. Lucky I did though, as it was loads better physics-wise, etc.


New member
Nov 7, 2013
Even though the graphics/physics are off, I do like that backglass reflection in Gottlieb. Not sure how that would be during play but it looks good in that video. Not sure I wouldn't like an option for that as well.


New member
May 18, 2012
The only believable glass reflection I like in a pinball game is Revenge of the Rob-o-Bot. They did a spot-on job.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I always turned the glass reflection off in Williams hall of fame. I guess when it comes down to authenticity and feeling like your playing the real machine it should be included as an option. I think though most people having the option and trying it both ways would end up not using it. It just looks so much better and less distracting without it. The most noticeable difference i can see (other than obvious graphics upgrades) in this video is they are now using the correct flippers. However looking at pictures of the real machine the Pinball Hall of fame version (ps2) has the correct bumpers while the new version has clear blue bumpers that are not on the actual machine. Those new clear top bumpers look really cool but they are not accurate.


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Hmmm, not as much difference as I'd have expected, considering the age/tech difference. Thankfully, the physics are night/day difference and portrait mode hides the room textures, which are still of the same quality. Look forward to seeing the comparison again after DX11 lighting and textures are upgraded.


New member
Nov 17, 2012
Actually, the Wii version of Gottleib is pretty solid. It's got those few extra tables too, like a couple other versions did. I forget which ones. I have a copy of the Xbox Gottleib collection though and... yeesh.

Williams collection was a VAST improvement. And playing it on the go on my PSP was great. Hard to go back to now though, for obvious reasons... ;)

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