Is it possible to play TPA on 2 pc's at the same time and if so, how ?


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Meanwhile I purchased the complete season 1 and 2 pro packs for pc. I already had Fish Tales.
In another thread I asked if it is possible to install TPA on more than 1 pc (and didn't get an answer yet), but I already read on the Steam website that it is allowed.
However I noticed that it is apparently not possible to play TPA on 2 pc's at the same time. Is there a way to get around this issue ? I ask because my wife would like to play it too and sometimes at the same time as I am. When I am playing and my wife tries to start TPA she gets a message that TPA has to be shut down on the other (my) pc. As much I we both enjoy TPA, it is a bit too much to buy the table packs twice.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Yes you can play it on 2 pc's at the same time. You just can't be logged into Steam on 2 pc's at the same time. So make sure one of those has Steam in offline mode. Go to the "Steam" menu and "go offline".


New member
Aug 30, 2013
you can install it on multiple pcs, but steam has built in DRM that will only allow a steam account to be logged onto one PC simultaneously. This makes it so that you can only play on one computer at the same time if you want the internet features to work


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Great, that works !
Thanks for the replies.
But I have to do that every time ? Or is it possible to set it so that it starts off-line "automatically" every time ?
And is it correct that on the pc where TPA is started as 2nd, I have to re-enter the password, even when it is set to be remembered ?
Btw, great forum and great support here. Thanks again.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
The way to start it offline is unplug the network cable or turn off wifi then start up steam. Then just keep steam running all the time.

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