How to Install on second Android Device


New member
May 27, 2012

sorry for my bad english first :)

I have buyed all Pinball Tables on my Samsung Galaxy Smartphone.

Now, i've buyed a Tablet, and i wanted to install my Game on this one (same Google Account)

But i only can install the Free Version - i only get the Demo Mode.
I try the buy Button, then i get the Message that i already have payed for that Package (which is true) - but even after that, i cannot play these tables at Full Version!

What can i do?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
This is also relevant to me as well KaPeh.

I am very close to purchasing a Transformer TF300 (primarily for The Pinball Arcade ;) ) and as I understood it, Google Play treats applications purchased as "purchased" on multiple devices.

I wonder if Google Play is having issues with the in-app purchases.

Can anyone else confirm the DLC behavior with TPA on the Hyundai A7HD, or other tablets like the TF300?


New member
May 27, 2012
I like this Game really...
I wat to buy every table that will come in the future.
But not if I have to pay for more than 1 Device!!!


New member
May 16, 2012
I bought the tables using my Nexus S, when I bought a tablet, I installed the Free version and it just recognized I purchased all tables before (it says smth like "restoring original data"). I am using Android 4 on both, and Google Play is linked to the same e-mail address (obviously this is needed).


New member
Feb 20, 2012
i bought them on my samsung android phone.

when i got my asus transformer tablet i did this.

open the app store
sign into you app store account
press the menu key and go to my apps
tpa will be listed and just hit install

the app store stores all your purchased apps and they can be put on any android device


New member
May 27, 2012
I tried the installation again.

After starting the App, it shows "RESTORING TRANSACTIONS"
Then, there seems to be a Error, and im back on Android menu....

But this Time, it works after starting again, and all Tables are available...

Thank you for help :)


New member
May 27, 2012
Damn, i should try all Tables first before i start to get happy :-(

BRIDE OF PINBOT and MEDIEVAL MADNESS from Addon Pack 1 run only in demo mode.....
(Klick on buy says that it is already buyed...)

The second Addon Pack works fine... very strange...

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
This is an issue that happens rarely to people that are starting on a new device, I am currently looking into the failed restoring transactions. Let me know of any info you might have that would help me zero in on what is causing this. If you use the same email for your primary account, it should communicate with the market and all transactions should be shared, no clue why this is not working for some of you. Thanks in advance for the info.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
I'm having problems also. I have bought most tables already on my tablet. I have now just upgraded my phone to android and of course downloaded TPA using my Google account same as on tablet. But can only play trial on phone if I click on buy table it shows that I already bought table. More worrying the last time I clicked on buy table it even went to the pay screen even though I already own the table on this account. Hope this can be resolved.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Thank you for a reply Ryan. I tried uninstalling TPA from my phone then reinstalled it and now all except Funhouse are working full paid for version, I'm sure Rudy will fall in line soon.


New member
Apr 7, 2012
Transformer Prime/Galaxy S2... I have gotten these errors before when installing fresh on both devices and this seems to work for me. When installing, open TPA and let it sit there for a minute or so for the transactions to restore. You can even load the free table and play a game but don't just close the program/let the device sleep and don't immediately try and load one of the paid tables as then I seem to have to uninstall TPA and retry again. It works most every time for me.

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