The latest Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, Mac, OUYA and PC updates are AVAILABLE NOW!

This update features Lights...Camera...Action!.

Table Add-On Pack #27 (which includes Lights...Camera...Action!) is available for $4.99.

Creature from the Black Lagoon? is featured as the Table of the Month (sponsored by Pinball Magazine) and is available for unlimited FREE play until the next Table Add-On Pack is released on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, OUYA and Mac only.

The Pinball Arcade is FREE! to download with Tales of the Arabian Nights unlocked for unlimited play on Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, OUYA and PC only.

Mac NOTE : In-app purchasing on the Mac requires OS X 10.7 (OS X Lion). Also, this game requires 3D graphics acceleration. Older Macs and Macs without 3D graphics acceleration are not recommended.

The Android version features the following :

What's New:

- Lights...Camera...Action! added to Season Three.
- Table of the Month: Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Table Updates:

- JunkYard (v3)

What's Fixed:

- Various issues in JunkYard were fixed in this update.

The iOS version features the following :

What's New:

- Lights...Camera...Action! added to Season Three.
- Table of the Month: Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Table Updates:

- JunkYard (v3)

What's Fixed:

- Various issues in JunkYard were fixed in this update.

The Kindle Fire version features the following :

What's New:

- Lights...Camera...Action! added to Season Three.
- Table of the Month: Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Table Updates:

- JunkYard (v3)

What's Fixed:

- Various issues in JunkYard were fixed in this update.

The Mac version features the following :

What's New:

- Lights...Camera...Action! added to Season Three.
- Table of the Month: Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Table Updates:

- JunkYard (v3)

What's Fixed:

- Various issues in JunkYard were fixed in this update.

The OUYA version features the following :

What's New:

- Lights...Camera...Action! added to Season Three.

The PC version features the following :

What's New:

- New DLC: Lights...Camera...Action!
- Free Table of the Month: Creature from the Black Lagoon

Please post any bugs or other problems with any version of request in the thread corresponding to the new update.