First impressions...


New member
May 4, 2012
OK, then the instructions for this table are incorrect. Some of those jackpots were hit on the lock hole, not the ER, a much easier shot IMO. Also, the instructions say the jackpot increases by hitting the left lane, but in the video, it was increasing just by getting jackpots. Hmm.
You are right that the instructions don't say you can shoot the lock hole to a jackpot. But they do tell about the jackpot doubling:

" The Jackpot value starts at 10,000,000 points. Each shot into the Heliport increases the Jackpot value by 30,000,000 points. The Jackpot
value also doubles each time it's collected. The maximum value is
300,000,000 points. "

I don't envy anyone who has to write instructions for a Premier.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
Some of those jackpots were hit on the lock hole, not the ER, a much easier shot IMO.

Agreed, some of the discussion is wondering if this is authentic behavoir, someone believed it not to be, and I was wondering if they'd reset its leaderboard if it wasn't.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Why reset the leaderboard? The behaviour is the same for everyone so it's not really an exploit. And i'm not saying this because of my score.... :)


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
TPA is wrong.

Here's how its supposed to work.

1) first jackpot collects at either emergency room, or at helicopter
2) IF helicpoter jackpot is collected, THEN helicopter increases jackpot without collecting it until emergency room is scored.
3) collecting any jackpot doubles the next up to a max of 300M
4) at most one jp from helicopter per multiball. all others from emergency room only.
5) NO Jp from lock hole ever. TPA is messing up here, compared to what I remember from real life.

Multibll train is.

1) get ball on lower left and lower right flippers
2) shoot ramp with ball on left. pass ball from right to left. trap both
3) shoot emergency room from upper flipper
4) shoot ramp from lower left flipper immeidately after
5) trap both
6) goto 3


New member
May 4, 2012
Hmm. Does TPA have the lock hole triggering the ER switch, or is there something wrong with the 3D modeling? I'm interested if anyone can postulate just how TPA has the lock hole -> Jackpot broken.

Here's a good R911 rulesheet, and Keefer talking about the train (it used to be called a "rape", boys and girls, mostly thanks to Keefer). I read these to see if there's anything that counters the notion that TPA is broken, and it doesn't look like it.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
Certainly double broken
The object of Multiball is to collect jackpots. The first jackpot can be collected either at the Helipad or the Emergency Room. After that, only the Emergency Room awards jackpots; the Helipad increases the jackpot value. The jackpot starts at 10M. Each shot to the Helipad to increase the jackpot adds 30M, and collecting a jackpot makes the next jackpot double the value of the one just collected. The jackpot value maxes at 300M.

At the beginning of a ball, select Jaws of Life or Cave-In. Then shoot a mode start. That will lock a ball and serve another to the plunger. Before you launch that ball, select one of the other modes. That new mode will be the one you play, but it will be Multiball. So the end effect is that you can have Multiball up to 6 times the first time through the modes.
While that will likely prove to be a very important tip, especially to those who're playing timed games, it makes no mention of jackpots triggering twice if you shoot the nonER hole either.

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