iOS - Bug Some minor issues

Deepest blue

New member
Jul 14, 2012
Hi forum,

It's been simply amazing playing this gem of a table, my fave of all time.

The table is near perfect to its authenticity but I have spotted a couple of minor things missing here that I remembered from the real thing.

Firstly, the background sound doesn't increase in speed or pitch as you progress far. For example I got the bank shot, extra ball & deluxe and the background sound still sounded the same as when you first start off and didn't turn into that swirling sound. I think this is quite important as it made progression in score sound dramatic. The only time it resets back was when the ball goes into the bonus collector and gets ejected back into the playing field with the background sound reset.

Secondly after getting the extra ball there's 70k but no special after that. I'm sure it used to get as far as the special then drop down to 70k again. Can't remember if it alternated between 70k & special after the first time.

The match at the end of the game is missing... I really loved that part and added to the excitement of hearing that familiar reply sound.

I hope I'm not sounding picky for what is otherwise an awesome translation of the table as it is.

All the best,
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New member
May 26, 2015
Secondly after getting the extra ball there's 70k but no special after that. I'm sure it used to get as far as the special then drop down to 70k again. Can't remember if it alternated between 70k & special after the first time.

Once you get the extra ball, it stays at 70k until the ball drains. On your next ball, it skips the EB and goes to 70k, then goes to Special after that.

Yeah, FarSight made some weird rule adjustments on this one. For example, on just about every on-location EBD I've ever played, the C and D lanes are linked (so that getting one spots both), yet here they're separate, which makes lighting all three bumpers a frustrating exercise in luck (since the ball's just as likely to head down the left outlane as it is the C lane... it seems the D lane's a little more friendly). Also, just about every other EBD I've played remembers your DELUXE progress so that, if you drain before spelling it, the letters you already earned stay put the next time you hit all of the drop targets. Here, it's back to square one each time (again, making getting the backglass DELUXE more difficult than it needs to be, since it's already hard enough to spell DELUXE in a single game even with memory on).

Neither of these truly breaks the game, but for a collection that aims to be as true to the real-life tables as possible, it seems weird that they'd use settings that almost nobody IRL uses.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Eh? It remembers DELUXE progress. Just not if you quit the table, or if you quit a game through the pause menu. That's the same on every table, though. Try Hurricane (PALACE) and Elvira And The Party Monsters (ELVIRA). Both have the same mechanic of saving letters between games, both reset to the starting state if you exit the table.

Can't say about the C and D lanes, maybe that is a mistake or maybe it's how the physical table they used is set up. And if it is an option to have them independent, then so what? FS can set the table up however they like.

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Deepest blue

New member
Jul 14, 2012
Yes I have noticed a couple of oddities here and there with features but that doesn't bother me. It's just the sound does it the most, if that could be fixed then it's 101% perfect, not that it isn't already quite perfect though !


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
He's talking about TABLE deluxe progress.

If you get some deluxe letters, then drain usually on location they will stay out for your next 8 ball.

the C+D together thing is a 3 ball v 5 ball setting, usually. in 5 ball mode they are separated, but for 3 ball play they are usually ganged together. Physical table setup has nothing to do with it, it's a dip switch option.

as least that's what I recall.


New member
Jul 3, 2013
Like the missing match that Deepest blue mentioned, it also isn't awarding specials at 600k or 1.1 million, like the game says on the bottom left card. This makes getting 10 specials harder. It should also give three specials if you beat the highest score recorded on the table. (Referring to an individual's table, not the community leaderboard.) Lastly, it SHOULD remember the DELUXE letters if the game is turned off, as this was also a normal feature IRL.

Deepest blue

New member
Jul 14, 2012

This is what I meant by the background sound changing as the game progresses although this chap doesn't go on long enough to make it change to the swirly sounds. Makes all the difference.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
EBD by JPSalas was one of my most played VP tables. I recall the c+d being ganged as a default option but I'm not sure the deluxe staying available is.

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Deepest blue

New member
Jul 14, 2012

It would be amazing if the background sound was fixed so that it progressed as you played. It makes a huge difference.

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