Request Back to the Future (BTTF) - no time like the present?


New member
Sep 21, 2014
I thought it was the actual Data East machine, it's some kind of cutomized vpinball cab... thing. It's running Tesla from Pinball FX.

Hey, but speaking of the DE table, it could be a lot cheaper to acquire if they just edit out Lloyd from the table like in TAF. McFly isn't Michal J. Fox either, it was the artist's son.
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Active member
Feb 14, 2013
While i will admit that table is fun, it's not particularly great, and will not translate well to digital.

and if it's anything like real life it's a one shot game that puts the ball right on the flipper needed for that one shot when you plunge.

Either it will be way too difficult, or it will be a complete joke. It's left ramp is considerably easier to loop then phantoms, and nudge stall shoot WILL work in tpa for sure.

It's so easy that most operators run it as add a ball on location, with it starting to dispense non existent tickets instead after you get three, because otherwise people would play 50 games in a row. it's that bad.

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