Long time lurker, first time poster.


New member
Jun 24, 2017
I'm not very good at pinball and I haven't seen a real table for years. Nevertheless, I love digital pinball. My very first electronic game was a pinball tiger electronic game that my parents got me for a good report card. I also had this really cool bagatelle game when I was a kid and I regret not having it still.I've been playing TPA for a couple years now, off and on. I want to stick with it and not grow tired. The key to sticking with anything is to talk about it, so I'm posting.

I've listened to nearly every episode of the Blahcade podcast in the last few weeks. I don't own every table on TPA, but I did consider season 1 worth it. I'm picking and choosing from the rest, although I almost pulled the trigger on season 2. My favorite table is probably Adams Family because it was the newest table when I discovered TPA and the excitement for it was palpable. I also really enjoy RBION, Bride of Pinbot, ST TNG, EBD, Whitewater and Big Shot. I'd buy more tables if I could find time to play them all. I play on an IPad Pro 9.7 inch. I'd play on Mac if that version were up-to-date and would surely double dip.


New member
May 24, 2013
Watchman welcome , since you been lurking you will fit right in , a lot of murky waters here !!! :cool:


Nov 9, 2012
The Mac version is up-to-date on both the Steam and App Store versions. It is almost unheard of for both to be available when a new game releases (Wipe Out, in this case.) As always, I recommend the Steam version, which lets you play on Mac or PC. You always want the option to play on a PC partition on your Mac. The Mac graphics show that it's a port from iOS. The PC graphics are significantly better.

Welcome to the forum.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Howdy Watchman and welcome to this fine forum. Glad you decided you join in the conversation. My very first electronic game was a table top pinball, like you. I was hooked on pinball forever after that.


New member
Jan 11, 2017
Digital or virtual pinball is sometimes the only option. Such a great alternative to the real thing. Welcome

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