Tom Devaney, where are you?

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New member
May 28, 2017
The only guys I was referring to as morons are the two immature annoying guys that does the streams... I don't know what their involvement is on these games or tables, but if you took everything that has happened and still happening and then take a look at their behavior, then it kind of puts Farsight in a bad light and it gives a bad impression... Just taking those two at face value, then it would explain why things are the way they are if you were to just assume based off those two clowns...

I have nothing against Tom as I know he's been doing his best and I'm sure his hands are tied to an extent... It could have been or still could be possible that they assign Tom to another project and then he can't do anything on these...

These are iffy days for Farsight and us fans/customers because they very well could be slowly getting away from PBA and we wouldn't know it until it fully happened... All companies will say they will support and work on projects, but in the end it gets smaller and smaller and further between updates, etc....

If Farsight hadn't had all these broken promises and poor customer support then I wouldn't be so harsh on them, but when we have spent hundreds of dollars, multiple times for each platform and the product used to be better or look better than it currently does, then of course I'm going to be frustrated and upset...


New member
Jun 4, 2012
The only guys I was referring to as morons are the two immature annoying guys that does the streams... I don't know what their involvement is on these games or tables, but if you took everything that has happened and still happening and then take a look at their behavior, then it kind of puts Farsight in a bad light and it gives a bad impression... Just taking those two at face value, then it would explain why things are the way they are if you were to just assume based off those two clowns...

Whilei try to respect most opinions your overall attidue leads me to call bull****

Your anal self wanking method of passive agression is for pussies

Your nothing but a negative influence you pat yourself on the back

Youve been sleep glty tolerbale to thispoint but right now you should go back to facebook and come back when youve got some manners

Ifyou can do a better job doit or shut it *****

/end of thread


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think it's advisable for everyone to step back and chill. We tolerate a certain amount of ribbing on this site, but straight up name calling as a direct personal attack is never cool. We want FarSight, Zen, Pixel Magic employees to feel welcome here, to be able to have constructive communication. Fine if you don't like a company's Twitch stream, don't watch it. Try maybe explaining what you'd like to see from it rather than blanket dissing. We don't need the abject negativity in this forum, and even I have to temper my comments now and then. Constructive criticism, that's all we ask for here. If you can't play by those rules, go enjoy Facebook.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
Zombie has been warned before. I say ban him if he name calls developers, staff, or really anyone again. We don't need his type of behavior in my humble opinion. This is the best pinball forum out there and he's ruining the experience. Constructive criticism is welcome, name calling isn't.


Mar 21, 2014
I agree with everyone here, Zombie is just plain toxic to the community. I mean, we get it, all of us are frustrated and annoyed by all the issues in TPA, but hate-mongering isn't going to get the issues fixed any faster. Sure, we will sometimes make tongue-in-cheek comments on occasion, but not full-on vitriol like "Z'" always does.

I can't speak for everyone, but I (and I suspect most of us) don't want to see someone get banned or shunned here. Zombie, dude, you really need to chill. Be more constructive with your criticisms and not so hateful. That's all we ask. We don't want devs to stop posting here for fear of being verbally attacked every time they post.

Personally, I treasure my collection of tables in TPA more than any other game I have on my PS4, and I appreciate Farsight's effort to re-create them in video form. I want them to continue making more tables for me to buy and add to that collection. I have, and will, buy every last table they produce for PS4, even if they're tables I don't particularly care about.


New member
May 28, 2017
Does that mean a few weeks or months until release?

At least we have a for sure release date for the first pack of Williams tables from Zen .. Man I can't wait, they look absolutely stunning and gorgeous... Granted everything shown so far has been on PC, but given Zen's track record, I'm sure they look just as amazing on consoles... Which if they do, then it pretty much proves the PBA on consoles should be a lot closer to how they look on PC and Mobile, but they just choose not to do them as good....

If these new tables get released on the 9th as well, then that's kind of suspect that they just happened to come out when Zen rolls out their versions of the Williams tables.... Either way I know where my $$$ is going towards.....


New member
Apr 8, 2014
[MENTION=6699]xZOMBIEx[/MENTION] I don't know why you think that every software looks the same on all platforms. There are Games from AAA Market that looks different between every console and the PC, that is why there are Videos on Youtube who compare the different Version. And you Think that a company that don't have the Ressources of AAA Companies should have Games that look the same on every Platform. Ofcourse Zen looks nearly the same on Every Platform, but then there are differences in the included tables there also, example Switch don't have Marvel tables, then the ball physics are for me also different and I have direct comparison between, PS3/ 4, Xbox 360/ One, Switch, mobile and PC.

The Next Think for someone Who try to Think a little is, a console is a finished System, you Need to Work with the included components to make the best out of it, Brings Everytime on consoles 30fps Games that are on PC 60FPS or More worse like Batman Arkham knight unplayable on PC. A PC is a not finished System and everybody has other components inside, so as hard as Sound for you, but my PBA on PC could look Completly different from Yours, also my Zen by the way


New member
Sep 4, 2018
I have been a gamer since the Atari years and here is my opinion on console vs PC graphics. Mobile is still relative new so I will dive into that later. PC has always have the upper hand in graphics and performance in video games. It’s always been that way and to be honest, console gamers really don’t try to debate on the ‘best’ graphics...its hands down to PC. Us playstation users really don’t expect to win or compare to PC graphics. What we have is the nice convenience on playing in our living room sitting on our couch. Or not having to worry about upgrading our RAM, graphics card or whatever. So when there is a multi platform game like PBA comes out....lets be fair and expect the PC version will be on top when it comes to graphics. The mobile version of PBA is nice, but it lacks the room and bulb brightness settings. Again it’s no surprise the PC comes out on top.

With with this news on Farsight losing the Williams and Bally license, here is my opinion. PBA still has Gottlieb and Stern. In other words, Farsight has access to the best tables of the early EM and SS. Zen has access to the middle, then Farsight has the modern tables. Let the two developers focus on their respective era’s.

This is actually my first post on this forum. I am a fan of digital pinball. I want to give a ‘shout out’ to Tom. Thank you for giving us updates during your crazy and busy schedule. And to the rest of the crew who gives us updates. Pinball is in no way a cheap form of entertainment. An average table is about $5000 to buy and a average night at some retro arcades can cost up to $15 for a day on a unlimited pass.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


New member
May 28, 2017
Well it's official... The Zen Pinball FX3 versions of the 4 Williams tales so far are absolutely amazing and it also goes to show there is no excuse as to why these and all the others look as bad as they do on PBA, mainly on consoles... Yes the FX3 Williams tables look just as amazing as they do on PC...

I'm not sure what the guy two posts above was trying to say? From what I could gather is he or she was saying it's not fair to judge PC vs Console graphics? If that's the case then I can slightly agree to a small degree, but that argument is getting smaller each new generation of consoles and lets not kid ourselves, these Pinball games, especially the ones based off of real tables are not that graphic heavy...

That's why I say there really isn't any excuse why PBA on consoles, mainly PS4 and XB1, don't look as good as they do on PC or at least a whole lot better than what we have now... There's other console games that look waaayyy better than both PBA and FX3 and that's why the Farsight tables can be better...

We saw it when Zen went from FX2 to FX3 and there was a huge improvement to all the tables, including the original tables from before FX2, maybe not as much as other newer ones, but there still was improvement...

Now we have Zen completely knocking it out of the park with these new Williams tables and while we had only seen how they looked on PC, we are now able to confirm they look just as good as they did on PC... I would say maybe a little better, but that's just because from what we've seen was on streams and YouTube and the videos are going up be compressed and I'm sure they looked much better live versus on video...

I will admit that I kind of wish we could lighten up the table just a tiny bit... Particular the middle part of the playfield is a little dark, BUT I can still CLEARLY see the ball, the artwork, etc... Even the writing on the table... So my itsy bitsy complaint is just a tiny nitpick or wishing, but I'm still completely satisfied and if Farsights tables looked like this as well, then I wouldn't complain...

As for mentioning that the Mobile version of PBA looks better than PS4 and the above poster says there's no bulb or room settings, that's kind of why it looks better because they had to make it bright enough since it couldn't be adjusted and that's kind of how it is on last gen consoles as well and that's why some will say the lighting was better on those versus current consoles... Yes, I know the lighting is a little more dynamic on current consoles, but the reason it's so bad on current consoles is because they just ported last gen console version to the PS4 and XB1 and tried to mix or add some of the dynamic lighting and whatever to the ports and while that might have worked when the consoles were new, but now there's just no excuse as to not have worked on a new version that actually took advantage of the consoles power... I get the whole license issue people have said, but that still could have done that without changing the name.... Or they could have done that in the first place instead of relying on a ported version that is now just held together with duck tape because every new patch ends up breaking something else that was perfectly fine before, but instead of giving us an amazing quality product, they just keep putting band aids to try and keep it from completely failing apart....

I would also gladly eat my words and eat 100 crows if Farsight was to come out and release a whole new updated version that completely fixed everything or the majority of the issues and rehaul the graphics and provide better sliders that actually work or if they did an amazing job to where we didn't even need the sliders much like Zen's tables, then I would fully support them again and give them my money....

I haven't even touched on the physics of Zen's new Williams tables... All I will say is those are the most realistic physics I've seen on digital Pinball... EVER... I haven't compared the physics of the Williams tables to the other tables yet, so I'm not sure if they carry over to all the tables or just the Williams tables? But even then, the physics before the Williams tables were already way ahead of PBA physics...

It's so good that it's almost like you can feel or sense that there's actual weight to the ball... It could be the sounds as well, but I think if you were to put them next to an actual table, there would be very little differences... The physics on PBA are wonky and they vary from table to table...

If people are complaining then they are either fanboys, delusional, don't even have them and just want to complain, or they think it's too hard and they're not able to nudge the table constantly and prefer the slower gameplay and the floaty ball.... They are definitely the most realistic physics ever and unless Farsight does a complete overhaul then they're finished... With each new pack Zen releases is just another shovel full of dirt burying Farsight until there is really no reason to play PBA... At least on consoles...


New member
May 28, 2017
Oh I have to quickly mention how it's awesome that we can skip the "Match" thing that is always at the end of the dot matrix when it's game over and if you match the number you get a free game on a real pinball machine.... Will on most machines... It's completely useless and pointless on these digital versions because it's always free...

I hate that on PBA that we have to wait and go through that whole thing until we can start a new game unless you completely exit it out and restart but it won't save your score....

I get they probably can't just remove it completely if they are using the actual rom coding for the game, but at least Zen found a way up where we can just skip it...

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
Zombie, your continuous FarSight bashing needs to stop. You contribute nothing but negativity to this great forum.

Russell Bergman

New member
Feb 29, 2012
Thanks and I didn't know that. I can pretty much guarantee whenever Zen puts out a new table pack from here on out, he'll revert to his novel post bashing FarSight. It's ridiculous.
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