Master List of Issues -- Williams Pinball


New member
Mar 3, 2015
Interesting bug with the new Android challenge setup (May be MotoG4 and equivalent specific, but I don't have anything else to test on, yet).

When you've completed all the challenges in a slot, when it is allowed to respawn a challenge after a given time, it starts with Hard first (so the progression is Hard,Medium,Hard). The crates shown being opened are White, Green and Blue, implying the first Hard Challenge is actually still opening the easy crate. it may just be bad visuals or alignment, but if you were to pay to reset the challenges, it'd start from Easy as normal.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
Interesting bug with the new Android challenge setup (May be MotoG4 and equivalent specific, but I don't have anything else to test on, yet).

When you've completed all the challenges in a slot, when it is allowed to respawn a challenge after a given time, it starts with Hard first (so the progression is Hard,Medium,Hard). The crates shown being opened are White, Green and Blue, implying the first Hard Challenge is actually still opening the easy crate. it may just be bad visuals or alignment, but if you were to pay to reset the challenges, it'd start from Easy as normal.

I have been going with the assumption that the first crate is actually the "hard" reward, whatever difference there is in the awards algorithm between the easy/medium/hard chests - if not, then having the reset put your first challenge on "hard" difficulty but only award the "easy" chest definitely seems like a bug. My personal preference would be to have the challenges reset to "easy" every time, like it used to work.


New member
Mar 3, 2015
Further analysis shows the crate won for the first 'hard' challenge contains 1 part, which is the setup for 'easy' usually (they go 1,2,3 in the case of the first challenge slot). So yes, the respawned challeng is using the hard scores, but the easy reward, so I'm calling this a proper bug.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
On IOS the 1 hour practice play is not working on Party Zone or Road Show. You don't even get a regular 3 ball game, after the first ball drains the game ends.


New member
Aug 13, 2018
Hi guys,

I just talked with Miklos from QA and he says these upkicker problems are being addressed along with the Practice mode problems - thanks for letting us know.

We are cataloging the rest as well.


Jun 11, 2018
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but I will say this:

Pin: Medieval Madness, for PS4:

I wanted to do Practice Mode to see if I could beat Battle for the Kingdom (I wanted to practice and see if I could get one), apparently if you do this in practice mode, and you win, the game just keeps shooting balls with dead flippers until the time runs out.


Apr 29, 2012
Something I've posted about somewhere before but it's not in the master list.

The Getaway
Revving the car engine (with the flipper) aggresively when the ball is deployed into the plunger lane at the start of the game very commonly results in the music stopping. (Steam)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Something I've posted about somewhere before but it's not in the master list.

The Getaway
Revving the car engine (with the flipper) aggresively when the ball is deployed into the plunger lane at the start of the game very commonly results in the music stopping. (Steam)

Relevant under general:

Pre-DCS Sound games: Too many audio or sound outputs can either cause a change in music or a loss of an audio channel, the latter requiring a ball drain to completely restore. Relevant in Getaway and Party Zone


New member
May 28, 2014
I can confirm all the above issues, those tables are borderline unplayable.
We both have the Moto G4, perhaps the physics are linked to the frame rate?

Champion Pub - Android
- Remastered Boxer can barricade the ball on the balcony lane with his fists.
- VUK to jump rope is too weak, ball regularly fails to clear the metal rail.

Black Rose - Android
Cannon is quite weak, on some modes the ball only travels half way up the playfield.

Same issues on PC/Steam. Partyzone kickers too weak, only clear balls about 10% of the time. Black Rose cannon also struggles. I have found the issue is affected by resolution - 1920x1200 full screen has problems, 1280 x 720 windowed the kickers work 100%.

Unfortunately Black Rose is irritating like this, and Party Zone unplayable, so I've had to request a refund from Steam. Hopefully Zen will address these issues, but it is a bit worrying that Table Pack 2 still has show-stopping bugs 8 months on since release. I do hope we are not going to end up like TPA with bugs never being resolved.


New member
Aug 13, 2018
Same issues on PC/Steam. Partyzone kickers too weak, only clear balls about 10% of the time. Black Rose cannon also struggles. I have found the issue is affected by resolution - 1920x1200 full screen has problems, 1280 x 720 windowed the kickers work 100%.

Unfortunately Black Rose is irritating like this, and Party Zone unplayable, so I've had to request a refund from Steam. Hopefully Zen will address these issues, but it is a bit worrying that Table Pack 2 still has show-stopping bugs 8 months on since release. I do hope we are not going to end up like TPA with bugs never being resolved.

Hey Doktor_Zito - thanks for spreading the word about this issue. Good thing, since I was able to see it!

I talked with our graphics lead and he'd love some more info on this. We spent some time on a similar issue in the mobile version and we did not expect for this to come up on PC.

If you could be so kind, can you tell us if you play in borderless window mode with full resolution, do you still experience this? Also, is there a way you could check the FPS when this happens (if it doesn't affect your refund 2 hours)? Could you share your PC configuration too?

I hope we don't ask too much.

Thanks and sorry for this issue.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Same issues on PC/Steam. Partyzone kickers too weak, only clear balls about 10% of the time. Black Rose cannon also struggles. I have found the issue is affected by resolution - 1920x1200 full screen has problems, 1280 x 720 windowed the kickers work 100%.

Unfortunately Black Rose is irritating like this, and Party Zone unplayable, so I've had to request a refund from Steam. Hopefully Zen will address these issues, but it is a bit worrying that Table Pack 2 still has show-stopping bugs 8 months on since release. I do hope we are not going to end up like TPA with bugs never being resolved.

I have never seen this with my Steam setup, and I play 1920x1080 full screen exclusively. Be very interesting if this is because of you being on a 16:10 screen instead of 16:9.


New member
May 28, 2014
Hey Doktor_Zito - thanks for spreading the word about this issue. Good thing, since I was able to see it!

I talked with our graphics lead and he'd love some more info on this. We spent some time on a similar issue in the mobile version and we did not expect for this to come up on PC.

If you could be so kind, can you tell us if you play in borderless window mode with full resolution, do you still experience this? Also, is there a way you could check the FPS when this happens (if it doesn't affect your refund 2 hours)? Could you share your PC configuration too?

I hope we don't ask too much.

Thanks and sorry for this issue.

Hi McLovin

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate such a quick response. Ive done some testing, and the issue does appear to be related to resolution/FPS. I tested 3 reslutions in Windowed, Borderless and Full Screen:

1280 x 768
Fullscreen 61 fps no issue
Windowed 90 fps no issue
Borderless 48 fps no issue

1600 x 1024
Fullscreen 51 fps no issue
Windowed 40 fps has problems
Borderless 46 fps no issue

1920 x 1200
Fullscreen 43 fps has problems
Borderless 42 fps has problems

I also tested my portrait monitor (1050 x 1680) and had similar results across other resolutions.

It looks like the kicker problem occurs whenever the frame rate gets down towards the low 40's. As you can likely infer, my GPU is certainly not the best, although still within the minimum requirements. I do plan to upgrade, but don't have the budget just yet :(

System specs:
CPU i7 3770 @ 3.9ghz

While I've been testing on Party Zone, I have noticed the kicker issue on Fish Tales (multiball kick-out), Safe Cracker and sometimes on Black Rose. It is also a bit worse on the paid version than on the trial, maybe due to the classic arcade physics.


New member
Jul 12, 2016
I have a bug I've observed a few times on iOS.

When moving from the daily challenges to Arcade Play, the table seems to remember the settings from the challenge.

For example, on Theatre of Magic, you still get 40m instead of an extra ball when the clock gets to 6pm; and no extra ball at the reply score target of 600m, even though the replay animations and music are triggered and the cabinet hammer strikes.

Also in The Getaway, no extra balls awarded on reaching the 75m replay target, on getting Freeway to 5m, on starting Redline Mania, or for the Special that's lit at the outline after 8 tunnel shots.

The work around I've found is to quit out of the app and go straight into arcade play. Even picking another table in arcade play before going back to the one you were playing challenges on doesn't bypass this bug, which I've noticed due to the new ToM timed challenge ladder.

I also have some feedback on the ball at the plunger cancelling the right flipper bug: it seems to me that this happens across various tables, if the table looses track of a ball, and respawns it at the plunger, rather than if a ball just drains and gets ball saved instead, when the auto plunge works correctly. This happens most obviously during multi ball, but this also.means that it is harder to keep track of what is happening, since my attention is focussed elsewhere.

It also Seems to happen sometimes if a press at the right flipper happens to coincide with an attempt at auto plunge, on tables like whitewater where there's quite a steep ramp to clear, so a partial plunge - from the press necessary if you're only trying to flip another ball on the table- won't be enough to get the ball in the plunger lane past the point of no return.


New member
Jan 14, 2016
Does anyone have a list/link to the bugs that were fixed in the most recent Android update (August 7 2019)? I have noticed a few things:

1. Tower ramp in Medieval Madness is WAY easier to shoot now - they must have reduced the steepness or done some other kind of tuning
2. In Theatre of Magic, it seems like they have tuned the turnaround so that shots going from the right side to the left don't ever go straight down the middle as they had previously

I'm a big fan of this kind of tuning/fixes - has anyone noticed any others?


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Copy-paste by Raymond in the FX3 Discord:

"Williams Pinball App Android Patch Notes 19. 08. 07.
These are probably to longest patch notes we've ever produced. A big thanks for all of you for the patience and the assistance you provided.

PLEASE NOTE: If you're on auto-patch and using mobile data, make sure you switch to Wi-Fi - this is a big one!

General updates:
- Push notifications can be turned on to inform about challenges, league results
- Stability improvements

Table Fixes:


Fish Tales
- Fixed a bug where practice mode ended faster than intended when using Pro difficulty.
- Fixed a bug where the reel lock had problems shooting out balls on some devices.
- Adjustments to the automatic plunger shot in challenge and league play.

Junk Yard
- Fixed a bug where practice mode ended faster than intended when using Pro difficulty.
- Fixed a bug where the ball couldn’t leave the sinkhole.
- Fixed a bug where the screws in the Bus animation weren’t moving properly.

Medieval Madness
- Fixed a bug where practice mode ended faster than intended when using Pro difficulty.
- Decreased friction on the ramps.
- Fixed a bug where the table could get stuck after Wizard mode.
- Fixed a bug where Video Mode said “1 Child Taken” instead of “1 Child Eaten”.

The Getaway: High Speed II
- Fixed a bug where practice mode ended faster than intended when using Tournament settings.
- Fixed a bug where the ball could get stuck at the diverter.


Attack from Mars
- The action cam which actives at a successful saucer destroy is now skippable.

Black Rose
- Fixed a bug where on some devices, with lower FPS, the Pirates Cove may have shot back the ball with a delay (or did not shoot back at all) to the table.

The Party Zone
- Fixed an issue with the left ramp's combo-meter, and extra ball giving.
- Fixed an issue with the two gates' direction near the upper right saucer.

- Fixed the accelerated ball issue in the rollover area when using Pro physics.
- Fixed the table guide's graphics swapping issue (remastered gfx was visible instead of original)
- Fixed the upper saucer's strength when using Zen and Pro physics.
- Removed the remastered "bundle of dollars GFX" during Original mode

The Champion pub:
- Improved the upkicker mechanics to better work on all devices.
- The bug where the ball could get stuck in the arms of the opponent will happen less often.

Theatre of Magic:
- Fixed the issue of the center loop behind the Magic Trunk, so the ball exiting from the right side arrives at the right flipper, as per the original table.


Red and Ted Roadshow
- “Replay” now gives you an extra ball just like on the original table.
- Fixed a bug where practice mode ended faster than intended when using Pro difficulty.
- Fixed a bug where league play could end after losing the first ball.

- Fixed a bug where the ball couldn’t leave the sinkhole.
- Adjustments to the Dot Matrix
- Added the ‘Clack’ sound in case of an extra ball.
- Adjustments to the automatic plunger shot in challenge and league play.
- Fixed a bug where skillshots don’t get accumulated into the score.

- Fixed the plunger sensitivity when using Zen and Pro physics
- Fixed a multiball camera issue with Remastered graphics
- Fixed the boomerang mode's gfx with Remastered graphics"


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Anyone else getting a internal error and a guest username with a level reset? Been like that a few days. Can’t do any challenges


New member
Oct 15, 2018
Multiball fishiness and unnatural bumps on Fish Tales

Pardon all the fishy puns jumping upstream from my twitter feed :p In about an hours play last night I had all these kinds of strangeness and weirdness happening. Is this normal behaviour or is there something broken? If it is broken, then I feel it is something that needs to be addressed rather quickly because it doesn't look too good after almost a year of it having been released for the free table to be broken. It is not the best introduction to what Zen Studios and Pinball FX3 is all about. One thing to consider, following a discussion I had on facebook on this, is that it is potentially and Xbox One only issue. I've played it on Mac before and can't recall that any of the multiball strangeness happened there.

There is something seriously fishy about the right orbit. I've heard about the orbit bump, but today is the first time that I have experienced it firsthand and it is not pleasant! I agree with the masses that Zen should do something about this.

There are plenty of fish in the sea for weird moments on Williams Fish Tales. 3 or 4 out of 10 games last night this kind of multiball weirdness happened. Does that happen on the real table or is it something that needs to be fixed?

The fishiness continued on as I don't think this is quite right? I've had maybe ten games tonight with the purpose of getting the achievement and broken moments like these happened in quite a few games. I hope Zen will look into this as well because it is not cool that the free Williams table is wonky.

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New member
Mar 3, 2015
In the challenge modes on that table, they've been playing with the strength of the launch to avoid an exploit using the lanes to score big points, I think some of this bumpiness is an attempt to allow the suitably weakened launch to go to the flippers, but it is definitely suspect (I'd add a fish pun, but I think you've covered the spread)

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
So have noticed some bugs with the Universal Monsters Pack on iOS.

First, the ball seems to get lost sometimes...more than I have seen before. And sometimes tables just sit there for a bit doing nothing. But then today I got a flipper bug where the left flipper stayed open. Not just for an entire game, but every game on every table until I force closed the app. Weird. Never ever have seen something like that before. Anyone else seeing that kind of thing?

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New member
Jul 12, 2016
I have seen the top right flipper in The Getaway start to flap about at odd angles during a long playing session, as if the mount for the flipper's pivot had broken, but the solenoid was still working, although that was on my Xbox One. I had to come right out of the game and reload to get that to start working properly too.

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