Williams' Collection Volume 5 guesses


New member
Jul 16, 2012
i'm pretty sure they are putting the license tables separate, for example you will have to buy monster bash by itself, and creature by its self, and no where did they say it was going to be 3 tables, but they did say more than one around will come around Halloween. it's possible they could lump those 2 together just this one time since the theme is so close but who knows. but then again they never did officially confirm any tables by name, and so many horror themes exist so we could be completely thrown something we didn't expect. in any case this next pack seems to be taking forever... seems everybody is assuming it's so they can space the packs out better... but what if they read all the stuff we have been saying and decided it's time to start putting out older tables with 1 dmd era table per pack for the next 6 packs, and this extra wait is them putting the finishing touches on new DMD animations for old tables that never had them. Im sure some people would get all complainy about all the 3 packs of older less intricate ruleset tables after they get through the more modern ones regardless of added dmd animations.


Mar 21, 2014
Personally, I'd be very excited for some older, simpler tables. Especially ones not already in TPA.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
Man I’m the exact opposite. If they plan to put out all the dmd game and work their way backward to the EMs then they are building in an obsolescence in this game for me. Once we get past the alphanumerics and licensed games their ain’t much that interests me. For me it would have been smarter to sprinkle in games throughout the years together. Then I would be more likely (forced) to give the year older games a chance and perhaps fall in love or at least like with one or two. As it stands now I never met an EM I wanted to play for more than a minute so I’ll probably be out once I have the games that I want.


Mar 21, 2014
I'm kinda of the opinion that a person isn't a true pinball fan if they can't stand pinball from all era's of pinball. There are good and bad tables from all era's.


New member
Apr 14, 2019
Yeah. I’m kinda of the opinion I’ll play what I like and not worry about meeting someone else’s criteria of what a ‘true fan’ is. Thanks.


Oct 31, 2015
Zen wants to make money and they'll make more money with the more popular tables. I personally love older tables, but they likely won't draw as well. TPA didn't include all that many old tables either. I'd be happy with a better tuned Centaur though. Is 1982 considered old these days? One of the only tables I played better in real life than the TPA game.


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Apr 14, 2019
That’s why I was think it would have been better to sprinkle in the old with the new. Once they get to the older tables I think there is a large portion of their audience that will be less interested. But if they dropped in like one older table in each pack then they’d get two benefits. One they could stretch out the newer releases and possibly get people interested for longer. And two people that otherwise wouldn’t try or be interested in the older games might find a few that they actually do like


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
It’s a big mystery what Zen plans on doing after Volume 6 finishes off the unlicensed DMD. They went that route to appeal to their Zen base of customers who like deep rule sets, plus they lent themselves to the enhancements. There is a very long list of alpha numerics to get through after that, but that first pack will give us the road map to what their plan is. I doubt they’ll ever do an EM, and the odds of Bally wide body machines are slim to none too. I think a table like Centaur lends itself to the Zen aesthetic quite easily, but can the same be said for other tables of that early 80’s era? If they allowed themselves to let the enhancements include rule changes, then I think they could have the best of both worlds.


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Jul 12, 2013
For all the people that complained about Farsight, they did a fairly decent job of picking out the most popular titles, usually it was only big license or technical/control issues that prohibited them bringing out some tables:

Current Pinside rank on Bally/Williams' tables Farsight didn't make in the top 150:

#9 Indiana Jones :TPA '93
#32 The Shadow '94
#44 Congo '95
#59 Revenge from Mars '99
#75 Johnny Mnemonic '95
#76 Barracora '81
#80 Flash Gordon '81
#84 Slugfest '91
#90 Medusa '81
#94 Space Station '87
#95 Dirty Harry '95
#104 Corvette '94
#107 Demolition Man '94
#119 Mousin' Around! '89
#122 NBA Fastbreak '97
#128 Radical! '90
#132 The Flintstones '94
#138 Frontier '80
#143 Grand Lizard '86
#146 Rollergames '90
#150 Skateball '80


Oct 31, 2015
Yeah, no doubt Farsight made very popular tables. It is one reason why it is a bit hard for Zen to put out something that Farsight didn't.

Scared Stiff

New member
May 18, 2019
Yeah, no doubt Farsight made very popular tables. It is one reason why it is a bit hard for Zen to put out something that Farsight didn't.

They should make Flash (though Flash Gorden would be nice too). Flash was an extremely popular machine when it was released and was the first machine to have a continuous background audio soundtrack.

Historical, plays great, no extra licensing...it should totally be made. It deserves a place in the lineup.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
I doubt they’ll ever do an EM, and the odds of Bally wide body machines are slim to none too. I think a table like Centaur lends itself to the Zen aesthetic quite easily, but can the same be said for other tables of that early 80’s era? If they allowed themselves to let the enhancements include rule changes, then I think they could have the best of both worlds.
I can see a few early solid state (ESS) machines being made. The four ESS tables by Steve Ritchie (Flash, Stellar Wars, Fire Power, & Black Knight) would be appealing enough. Also, the System 9 tables (especially Comet) have a good shot as well. The way they market them will be definitely be key here.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I can see a few early solid state (ESS) machines being made. The four ESS tables by Steve Ritchie (Flash, Stellar Wars, Fire Power, & Black Knight) would be appealing enough. Also, the System 9 tables (especially Comet) have a good shot as well. The way they market them will be definitely be key here.

I’m certainly all for Zen doing these machines. I want Medusa and Vector from that era. I own an actual Eight Ball Deluxe, have it in TPA, and still would want Zen to do it. The reality though is by the time they finish off the alphas, they might have an agreement with Stern and will focus on those instead, say 2 years from now. Depending on how the licensed WMS sell, we might see an influx of those DMD machines, further delaying older tables.


New member
Oct 5, 2017
Yeah I'm kinda thinking that their release schedule over the years will be in 3 distinct primary waves:

Wave 1: Unlicensed WMS DMDs
Wave 2: Licensed WMS DMDs
Wave 3: Licensed and Unlicensed Stern/DE/Sega DMDs

With whichever pre-DMD WMS SS tables (licensed or unlicensed) they feel are worth doing sprinkled in from time to time during waves 2 and 3. Maybe if we're really lucky some pre-DMD classic Stern SS tables will get in there too during wave 3.

And hopefully at same point in wave 3 they can find a way to get the modern display screen tables in the game and sprinkle some of those in there too.
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New member
Aug 30, 2015
Yeah I'm kinda thinking that their release schedule over the years will be in 3 distinct primary waves:

Wave 1: Unlicensed WMS DMDs
Wave 2: Licensed WMS DMDs
Wave 3: Licensed and Unlicensed Stern/DE/Sega DMDs

With whichever pre-DMD WMS SS tables (licensed or unlicensed) they feel are worth doing sprinkled in from time to time during waves 2 and 3. Maybe if we're really lucky some pre-DMD classic Stern SS tables will get in there too during wave 3.

And hopefully at same point in wave 3 they can find a way to get the modern display screen tables in the game and sprinkle some of those in there too.

That'd work for me! :) And, bring on the WMS System 11 tables, too! Zen, bring on the tables!! My wallet is ready.


Feb 21, 2015
Nothing says that Zen can’t do the Magic Pixel treatment on the EM’s and make the old
Version alongside the new dmd/Zen version too. Thats the best of both worlds and also a huge source of “original” material.

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New member
Oct 11, 2018
Honestly as far as older tables go, I'd love to see a few EMs here and there. Though I understand they aren't for everyone. I'm weirder, I love tables that are more simplistic, Pirates & LOTR have no appeal to me. The new Stern Star Trek though, that is a fun table I will say.

Also wanting to add to it, I think they're starting to run low on unlicensed DMDs, when I think of DMD pinball, I think of licenses. There are a hell of a lot of unlicensed, EMs, SSs, and S#s. It might not be out of the realm, to add in some of these unlicensed tables to a pack with licensed tables.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Nothing says that Zen can’t do the Magic Pixel treatment on the EM’s and make the old
Version alongside the new dmd/Zen version too. Thats the best of both worlds and also a huge source of “original” material.

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Other than Mel saying they wouldn’t make any rule changes, that is. That’s the reassurance he gave regarding the enhanced versions. I believe that is a self imposed rule though, not one handed down by Scientific Games. That’s why I keep pushing for them to do Cactus Canyon Continued when they get around to that table.


Apr 29, 2012
Rollergames ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I felt the need to express myself:


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