Thoughts on randomness and mechanical wear


New member
Oct 7, 2014
I had a very strange experience last night at my league. I was playing White Water in real life, assuming that by raising my right flipper, the lower left kickout would spit the ball up the right inlane for one or two RIVER letters and an easy catch. Most of the time, it went to the flipper but with not enough strength to go up the inlane (I hate how Zen sometimes does this with too much strength so it may go up the inlane and down the outlane). No issue there for me. But once, I had the right flipper up and the kickout spit the ball straight down the middle! Of course it was when I was having a decent game.

My point is how easy/difficult would it be to have randomness like this in digital White Water or other tables? I was annoyed, but that's randomness in real life. When Zen designs the simulation, don't they see the slightly different angles the ball may come out of the hole and at slightly different strengths and randomize that? Right now, it always goes up the inlane (sometimes too much).

A mechanical wear slider would be pretty neat as well, but not necessary. I think Zaccaria does that.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Well, when it happens in real life it's a mechanical failure.

when it happens in a digital sim, the RNG is out to get you. :)

Any stupid random kickouts MUST be tweaked to always be savable in a simulation.

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