Xbox Series S/X version?

Oct 15, 2013
Any word from Magic Pixel on next gen versions of the game? I've got a Series S and was thinking about buying Zaccaria Pinball for it but it's the Xbox One version. I know it's behind the PC version in terms of updates but not sure by how much. I've also read about server issues on here. Also does it play any better or worse on a Series console as opposed to a One?

I've dabbled quite a bit in Farsight's and Zen's offerings going back to the PS3 but now the Series S is my main console. It seems that Zaccaria Pinball is the only currently updated pinball game in town until the new Pinball FX comes out. Never bought anything in Zaccaria before so now seems like a good time to jump in. Not sure if it's worth it though if they are working on a dedicated Series version or the Xbox One version is getting neglected. Is it a Farsight situation again where there's too many platforms to juggle?

Oh and are there any other pinball games on Xbox that are worth checking out? I had a go on Demon's Tilt pinball via gamepass and I was not impressed. I need some realism in my virtual pinball and that was the exact opposite.


New member
Dec 25, 2012
I doubt we will hear anything for a long time on a Xbox Series version (same for PS5 version). Magic Pixel is only a team of 6 people and their plate is already full for the next year or two.

I suggest giving the Xbox One version a whirl. You get 1 free table and can sample 80 or so others without spending a dime.
Oct 15, 2013
Any word on an update for the Xbox One version of the game? It seems it hasn't gotten an update since April of last year. I might buy the whole thing but the time between updates is concerning. It's still missing a lot of the Deluxe tables the PC version has. I've also played it before on PS4 but I think it's better on the Xbox with the triggers and the fact that Spotify doesn't drop out randomly. Kind of lame there's only 10 achievements though. Not sure if I'd have enough motivation to keep playing for high scores or fill out the achievement lists if there isn't a reward of an actual achievement for doing so.
Oct 15, 2013
Finally decided to buy the whole thing. First digital pinball game where I bought everything. Really like the physics and customization in Zaccaria. I wonder how Pinball FX is going to stack up to it later this year.
Oct 15, 2013
Hmmm, hasn't been any new tables or content since I purchased everything.. Not that I've even played all the tables yet. The Xbox version seems fairly far behind the PC version now. Behind on Deluxe tables, that arcade machine add-on and also the 4 new Postal tables. I think the back boxes also got a res update on PC? Now I see they've been working on more stuff for AtGames. Talk about being stretched thin as a small team.

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