The top scores... and those "other guys"


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Kind of funny.. didn't think much about the name "ZENFTW" when I took over the top score on Gorgar a while back... but then finally, I was topped by "The Pinbug Arcade".... then recently, a much more ridiculous high score (13M +) from ""

And then I finally put two and two together.

Doubtful that these are NOT employees of that company doing this.
Is it good business to thumb your nose in the face of the competition in such a way?

It certainly doesn't make me want to buy any of what they have.

(And no, it really is not anything about me not being #1 anymore...)


New member
Jul 15, 2012
But don't you have to actually create an account with that name? At least in the case of PSN, making my name something different would involve registering a whole new account just to do it.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Just noticed last night they erased the #1 score by "www.***" (which was around 13 million)

(now if they'd just erase the rest of the bogus top scores too...)

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