Harem multiball


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Im having the same problem too. Quite often for me it will bounce off the ramp side and the magnet at the genie will catch it. The flipper lag doesnt help much either. And the right orb isnt much easier


New member
Jun 6, 2012
FINALLY ! Got the Harem multiball last night. Man that was so much tougher than the Wizard goals, all of which I completed in the very next game. Hitting that ramp consistently was a tough SOB. Thanks Serenseven, for the tip, or I would have never got it. Ever.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I'm trying to complete that goal as well. So far i can spell H-A-R on a good run. That shot is killing me.


New member
Sep 10, 2012
I find the H.A.R.E.M. Multiball difficult on both POH and TPA. When I got it the first time on POH on the PS3 it was in the middle of a really good game. I didn't know about the tiger loop timeout to harem light and that helps a lot! Just keep trying. I know I got the wizard goals relatively quickly after the HAREM Multiball goal.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Anyone else have trouble hitting the loops with consistency? I don't have a problem in TOM, but in TOTAN it seems like they're much harder to hit. Seems like I either go a little to much to the inside or too far to the outside.......but very rarely line it up just right. TOM's loops are so much easier to hit.

I definitely have trouble with this (PS3 version)

The only shots I can hit with any consistency are the left ramp and the bazaar/wish. Those left and right loop shots are a PAIN, ESPECIALLY the right one. (and that's where the extra ball is, too.)
The "sweet spot" seems to be SO elusive.
It's really what prevents this from being one of my favorite tables.... that and the resulting drains that come from not being able to hit shots. Frustrating.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
yep...i just started playing this machine today. and i knew i'd find this thred. this is a hard goal. those loop shots are one of the hardest shots i have come across. why do you think they put the extra ball on the right shot? i am just gonna let this goal come when it does. i think i only got HAR twice do far. wish me luck.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
First, thank your deity of choice that you're not trying to do this on the Williams Collection on a 360.

Then, basically cradle the ball in the right flipper, wait for the Tiger Loop light to extinguish and the Harem light to illuminate, then shoot the left loop. Repeat 4 more times. Try to avoid hitting the Genie or getting the Secret Ball Lock so that the Lock lights don't activate. If they do activate, lock balls and play out Genie Multiball, because you can't make further progress on Harem until you do.

Sometimes the Tiger Loop light might flash very rapidly but never completely go dark. If that happens, shoot the ramp to convince the table to reset the Tiger Loop light after a few seconds.

thankyou for the waiting tips...i may have realized it sooner or later.... but i bet even if i happen to get lucky and play a 20 minute game i wouldn't of gotten as close to getting this goal/multiball.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
...@ serenseven sorrry.... what i forgot to say is.....you probably saved me hours and hours of fustration...



New member
Oct 6, 2012
Harem multiball is probably the most frustrating standard goal on any table I've played with the exception of Black Hole a table I find completely unplayable. Never could get it on the WHOF due to the glitch, but had no trouble hitting the shot. It is a much tougher shot though in TPA and I still haven't gotten it in the Vita version after dozens of tries. I did finally pull it off on the PS3 once and have never gotten it again.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
This is a difficult goal, but it can be done pretty easily if you focus on it and only shoot when the light is lit. At least it isn't as bad as PHoF where it was completely glitched where it wouldn't count any shots around the orbit after the first one.

In PHoF, I got it with 3 Harem sneaks (never did spell Harem). It took me 3 months (didn't play it every day BTW) to get that goal on the 360. Whereas the 360 PA version took me about 2 hours to get it, and this time I spelled it out. I did it on my second try on the iPhone version with little effort.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Its not exactly easy no matter what you do but for me using camera 3, the lowest one, makes a huge difference to being able to hit the loops. Its the only machine I need to go so far down on, I use camera 1 on everything else. Locked view of course.

I was having all sorts of issues getting HAREM while playing the 360 version - until looking this up here. I didn't touch TOTAN much on iOS,I wanted to get all of the other standard goals on all of the other pins. I've done so,except for Goin' Nuts & this.

Well, same problem,different system. Decided to see what people had said about this mode. Looked at this thread,had a "duh" moment...went back & had it within 5 games,while quadrupling my score. So thanks again for the camera tip - it made all the difference :)


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Hmm... might take these tips into consideration. STILL haven't managed to get it, but then again I barely even tried.


New member
May 23, 2012
It isn't that difficult a goal, I just kept on waiting for the light and then shot. It's a shame that this is probably the only time you'll ever activate Harem MB. Pretty worthless multiball.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
That shot is WAYYY harder than it should be, considering that this version of the table has droopy flippers, which make orbits EASIER to hit in real life.

Oddly enough theater of magic is supposed to have the droopy flippers, according to the table designer, and it's to make the loops easier to hit.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
btw. harem multiball is worth going for in real life.

L4 roms DID fix the harem multiball/genie battle stack exploit. Harem will start even if rocs is running.

However, the "just play harem over and over" exploit is NOT fixed.

Trap ball on right flipper. wait for tiger to time out. if tiger refuses to time out (this was an attempt at fixing that exploit), shoot ramp, then shoot orbit. repeat. keep the balls in the bumpers in harem multiball. each hit adds 5k to jackpot and collects it, and it's carried over for the rest of the ball, so when it ends, just start another one.

This rape is the reason the orbits are so hard to shoot in this recreation. :)
Last edited:


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Got harem multiball today. Might be only the second time I've ever done it. I have a hard time hitting that shot.


New member
Apr 22, 2014
I'm on a PS3 (though I used to play on a MacBook Pro). I, too, can't hit that left loop with any consistency. I'm relieved to hear that others have found the HAREM Multiball almost impossible to start. I did get as close as four letters lit and 2 Harem Sneak-Ins during one game, but I couldn't seal the deal. After reading comments in this thread, I realize perhaps I don't need to spend a huge amount of my life trying to get that crazy standard goal. Thanks.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I'm on a PS3 (though I used to play on a MacBook Pro). I, too, can't hit that left loop with any consistency. I'm relieved to hear that others have found the HAREM Multiball almost impossible to start. I did get as close as four letters lit and 2 Harem Sneak-Ins during one game, but I couldn't seal the deal. After reading comments in this thread, I realize perhaps I don't need to spend a huge amount of my life trying to get that crazy standard goal. Thanks.

Gotta love the animations on the sneak-ins!!!


Apr 7, 2014
After spending many times only getting "H-A-R-E", I decided to ask my older brother (The much better pinball player) to get the goal. It only took him 4 tries. lol It was the only standard goal I had left.

Ironically, of course, I got 4/5 Wizard goals with ease. I'm still working on rescuing the Princess, though. I'm fine until I reach the final battle with the Genie, then I usually lose. :(


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I played a ton of TOTAN when I started my first job - it was in the pub across the road and I was there every lunchtime - and I don't think I started Harem MB once. I probably didn't even realize it existed.

I spent an entire evening trying to get it done on my tablet. Got H-A-R-E a few times, and muffed the final shot every time. Between that and the 250k Wiz goal on Big Shot, I'm surprised I have any hair left this week.

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