What is the "30 Million" light for?

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
OK, so I've been playing a bit of CFTBL in the tournament. I noticed during the BIG Millions round that there is a flashing light in the left inlane that has the words "30 million" near it. I looped the right ramp and got up to TWENNNNTTTYY MILLLLLLION, but I didn't notice any 30 million points added to my score. It's not mentioned in the table instructions either. Does anyone know what the light and words are for?


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Nothing really :)

according to the rule sheet:

"The 10M, 20M, and 30M lights on the Left Inlane are lit during Super Scoring, and apparently only then, but they still do not appear to do anything."


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Honestly, ignore everything in Creature except for lighting F-I-L-M, locking the ball, and then starting multiball. Trap one ball on your left flipper, and proceed to shoot the left ramp until you have scoring at 4x. Shoot the center lane, catch the ball with right flipper when it comes down, start looking for the girl by shooting the snack bar first, then the left lock. If you still haven't found her, NOW you need to finally flip with that left flipper. Then it's snack bar, snack bar for jackpot, center lane to the bumpers to light super jackpot, and finish off with snackbar. Rinse and repeat.

Note...you need to be able to hit the left ramp and the center lane from a live ball coming out of either the right eject or the funnel, as you can't catch the ball on the right flipper during those events. You can catch when it drops from the bumpers. So a typical sequence for me is to shoot the left ramp putting the ball in the funnel. When it drops, I shoot the center lane and then trap the ball on right flipper when in comes down. Then I aim and shoot for the snack bar, which I can hit from a trapped ball about 95% with the right flipper. I'm about 90% with the left flipper, which is important! Should you screw up and drain your live ball, you have the trapped one to shoot into the snack bar to restart multiball, so long as you haven't collected any jackpots yet. I don't shoot that left flipper unless I absolutely have to. Ball control, ball control, ball control.

It's not a very fun way of playing Creature, but it is a good way to see your point totals get into the billions. All other scoring is moot when you can get 500+ million from a single jackpot, and billion+ from a super.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
At least on PC the feed from the funnel is very unpredictable. but as long as you reflex it up the ramp again or the middle you are golden.

With this in mind...

once you have 4x, and collected the jackpot, shoot it up the middle from the snackbar feed. this shoudl be an easy shot.

Then after trapping it, shoot the snackbaar whether the jackpot is lit or not. you can then shoot bumpers safely.

alternatively if you have dialed in the shot center lane from trap shot, do that until snackbar lights. (JUST before the center of the flipper will generally do the trick from a trap)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I just wanted to make sure it was pointed out as it may or may not be obvious. When you open the snack bar, make sure you shoot it again to get the snack bar score again or else before starting the film or you cannot use the snack bar to spot targets toward relighting the I.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
actually that's not it.

the rule is once you collect a jackpot, you can no longer spot menu targets with the snackbar.

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