Favorite Launch Table?

Which is your favorite table so far?

  • Tales of the Arabian Nights

    Votes: 32 23.7%
  • Ripely's Believe it or Not!

    Votes: 20 14.8%
  • Black Hole

    Votes: 17 12.6%
  • Theatre of Magic

    Votes: 66 48.9%

  • Total voters

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
So which of the first four tables is your favorite so far? (I would make a poll, but I don't see the option)

For me, it's a close battle between Theatre of Magic and Black Hole......ToM is a work of beauty, but I'm a sucker for early 80's machines, so I've definitely put more play time into BH. I really like how challenging it is to work the score, and especially to get multiball...the difficulty level is what makes it addicting for me. You really have to bust your arse to break a million points :)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
The one I find myself playing the most is Theatre of Magic. The layout and overall design is very appealing. I also like the over the top scoring system which is good for an ego boost after playing Black Hole. Overall, they're all great tables and can't wait to see what FarSight releases next.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I've found myself playing Ripley's a lot. Love Pat Lawlor designs and this is not a table I ever played in person due to not being available wherever I've lived. The wizard goals are definitely some of the most challenging of any released table. I am not sure I'll ever get frog frenzy or Atlantis. Tales has the damn Harem goal which is the worst basic level goal ever. Black Hole is definitely more fun than the original. Theater is probably my second favorite all time table so in the long run it will definitely be most played. I would say at this point it's between Theater and Ripley's with Theater pulling away.

Nik Barbour

Theatre of Magic and Black Hole for me.
I like the contrasts between the older and new style machines.
I find i flick game to game between new and old.
Wierdly I'm struggling to get into Arabian nights.
Can't wait to see what's coming next!

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
I think Theatre of Magic.. It seems simple at first, but it's very rewarding to get a high score. The sound effects are brilliant was well.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Theatre of Magic

I like them all though. I played a ton of TOTAN on Williams PHOF so I probably play that the least. I have been playing a lot of Black Hole lately, especially when I only have a few minutes (since I suck on that table).

Patrick McBride

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Toss up between Ripley's and ToTAN for me, but I voted ToTAN because I've played it WAY more ;) Theater of Magic is also great, but it's the least fun of the 3 for me... I much more enjoy the modes on RBION and ToTAN. Haven't bought Black Hole yet since I'm not real big into the older tables, but since we have to wait a bit before the DLC drops, I'll probably just end up buying it at some point anyways :p

George Klepacz

New member
Feb 20, 2012
TOTAN right now, but TOM is a close second. Haven't played much of the other two because I keep flip flopping back and forth between these two.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Somewhat tricky; Theater of Magic, Black Hole and (to a lesser extent) Ripley's Believe It or Not are all A-tier designs to their own respects. All three are quite addictive. My most played is Theater of Magic; I think my reason is the atmosphere of the design is catchy. Once Medieval Madness arrives soon enough, that will be my new favorite. That table will be a tough act to follow in its footsteps (for me).

My least favorite of the three is Tales of the Arabian Nights; I feel the rules on that table are slightly unpolished (Harem Mulitball is the weakest mode but the hardest to reach). Still a very good and addictive table as the layout and multiball modes are challenging; a strong B-tier table.
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New member
Mar 28, 2012

I am impressed with what FS has done with TBA. Each table has it's +'s and -'s

TOM is so fun I can't put my finger on it. Each mode is really unique and even though you don't have to beat each mode getting to grand Finale is quite a challenge. (I just recently missed it by one illusion)
TOTAN is also another good table. Each tale is interesting and each 'tale' is fun to do. the only difficult tale I find is 'ali baba' Spelling sesame is tough considering the target is on the far left of the table and another hidden just behind the lamp. I reached the mode where I needed to rescue the Princes but lost all my balls to the out-lanes.
Ripley's was the only table when I first played TBA where I could keep the ball in play. After that I've been mostly playing TOM and AN will focus on that table soon.

Black is the only 1 that doesn't appeal to me. Although it really requires accurate to achieve higher scores the table is pretty slow in comparison to the other 3. Again Maybe I should focus on it more to see what I can do.

Eagerly awaiting some more Tables. Medieval madness look really interesting.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Mine Goes in order Riply's, Theatre, TOTAN, and Black Hole in that oreder. But i prefer Ripley's, the strangest thing is i didn't like Ripley's on a real pinball machine until i got hooked on it on Visual Pinball so weird Mon.

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