Why Don't My Secondary High Scores Save? / Why Doesn't Pro Mode Stay On?

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Problem: When you finish a game that has a secondary high score list (such as Medieval Madness's Castle/Joust/Peasant/Catapult/Damsel/Troll Champions, Twilight Zone's LITZ Champion, etc.), the score is not saved.

Solution: These scores are lost when the ROM is reset to its "known state" at the start of each game. On tables that have a Pro version, this can be prevented by playing with the operator's mode on. Doing so causes the ROM to not reset between games and so your secondary high scores will be preserved whenever you are in operator's mode.

Remember that the operator's mode turns itself back off each time you re-enter the table from the main menu, so don't panic if your scores have suddenly "disappeared". Just re-enable operator's mode and your scores will reappear.

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