FarSight - tell us something about the licensing


New member
Aug 9, 2012

Because i think I will speak for many users...
Which tables will reach the game in the future.

I can say "hey in a 1-2 years they will offer all ever produced tables!" but thats if i wish Ferrari will sell a 500ps SuperSport for only 30.000 Euro! That never happend!

So can you say something, if you must pay for the licence of the producer (bally,williams etc) and/or for the licence owner of the theme (movie,TV or other)
Can you say something about some games? Licence to expensive that it will never be released...Or...

i know the next project is positively financed through crowdfunding... But i think that work only 2-3 times...

I hope the big pins will be released
- adans family
- Monster bash
- attack from Mars
- Fire! (classic)
- indiana Jones

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Monster Bash is released; it's part of DLC Pack # 3. Attack from Mars has been announced as a future release, but we don't know exactly when yet.

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