a couple things (iOS)


New member
Dec 23, 2012
I wanna start by saying that yes the troll bombs are bugged, and no there is no way to not use them when the trolls are up...BUT the notion that this makes it impossible to beat BftK on iOS is garbage. I have not yet improved as a pinball player enough to have gotten to BftK, my high score before learning how to shoot the castles was 240mil, but I never once destroyed a third castle. since learning to shoot the castles just today even, I have been one shot away from BftK twice. THAT BEING SAID I always have 3 or 4 troll bombs by the time I'm even thinking BftK is reachable, and have probably used 6-10 up to that point. Shooting the castle from a trap on the right flipper gets at least one spot target either going up or coming down 90% of the time for me, and frequently will get two. Harder yes, I guess, but I have a grand total of 3 months of playing pinball and i don't see why it's being made such a big deal of if a beginner such as myself can be in position with such ease.

one thing that does kill me on this table is tilting without a warning, and it's nearly always DEEP into the game when it does. I don't know how much more control other systems may get for nusging but worth the neanderthal iOS nudge I manage to use it quite often on this table especially. when I get a warning I don't nudge for at least 4 shots, unless absolutely neccessary (still rarely tilt). for some reason when I am shooting payne's castle I tilt without warning.

phantom contacts between the left bumper and the castle will also screw me up, it changes trajectory without contact or even slides along an invisible wall half a ball width out from the bumper occasionally.

like I said I am very new to pinball, and I wanna ask if anyone has any tips for shooting the catapult easier? I have found that a slow moving ball exiting the left loop can be nudged in, and a fast moving one can hit a held left flipper and go in (sometimes needs a little nudge) but I have a very very hard time intentionally shooting the catapult from the right flipper, and am dying to try barnyard multiball.

also i found the easiest way to ensure that if I ever get 5 launches I know I will have shot all 5 animals. I shoot the cat, then the chicken, then the cow, because if you just let it cycle it gives u the skull and if u mash the flippers u'll get the ball. taking all guesswork out of the last two items.

sorry for the grammar/punctuation I hate typing on my iPod...

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