Any physics changes with latest update?

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I was playing MB last night and trying to hit the centre spinner shot to build Mosh Multiball but a lot of shots seemed to be rattling out, I was able to hit this shot with some consistency previously.

I've noticed shots on other tables are more difficult now too.

It would be nice to have a complete changelog so we are not left guessing sometimes.


There was the ball collision fix

It seems to have had a side effect on the physics of tables that haven't had an update in a while.


New member
May 18, 2012
Now that I am messing around with the Zaccaria tables for the iOS (made by ASK Homework), I have to say that I find TPA physics to be overly smooth and slick.
Zaccaria physics are still under development but they have a certain rawness to it that has been polished in TPA. Just an observation, but TPA could use this rawness. It's too perfect.


New member
May 18, 2012
Zaccaria has all these tweaking options in the menu (Gold pack), elastics or the rubbers, bumper force, table slope, flipper force (and some new ones in the upcoming update). That is really awesome (if working properly). And all these options are implemented in a matter of just a few weeks(!), I just don't understand why TPA can't have such options. It will bring the game and playing experience to another level. We could exchange the best physics settings for a certain table here on the forum, how cool is that?!

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
Played a few more of the original tables now and I'm altogether pleased with the improvement in ball movement. Seems more natural now, maybe the ball collision fix also fixed the ball interaction with collision meshes?


Feb 13, 2013
??? Just starting Genie
The last wizard goal 3.000000 (Oh my god) is still open: but I can switch Tilt on / off. I'm right, that this should be only possible after reach all goals?
If yes,then I have the situation
Firepower : all goals reached but Tilt told me I'm not finish
Genie : the last goal is missing, but I can change it :what:

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New member
Feb 2, 2013
I find turning tilt off as a the only reward for completing all the wizard goals on any pinball is a bit of a non event.
How about a 5 ball play option instead? Now that is real reward!

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