Performance not as good as expected (GTX 570, i7 2600K@4 ghz 16GB ram)


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Hi there, I didn't post this in bug thread, but I think it something that needs investigation from developers:
with specs as specified in subject, I noticed that, with postprocessing ON, AA 4x, ball reflection max @1920x1200 @fullscreen, when the camera zooms in with some events on the table, the FPS goes down from solid 60 to 35/40 fps. V-sync is ON, (I have bad tearing when kept OFF), and frankly I did expect a far more robust performance from such a configuration.
My rig is not exactly low level and surely not the top notch even, but I think a rock solid 60 fps in this game could be demanded from it.
The problem almost disappear with ball reflection low and FXAA forced from drivers (and in-game AA OFF). Even disabling the Postprocessing resolve the problem, but that is not an option for me:)

Sorry if I posted in wrong section. If interested, my Steam thread about it is here:


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Looks like you should reconsider whether postprocessing being disabled is an option. Or just lower the ball reflection settings. I find that helps the most.

If you're paying THAT much attention to ball reflections you're not playing pinball.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
Post processing is a resource killer. On my ten-year-old single-core computer, I experience relatively little framerate issues with 16x AA, low ball reflections, and post processing disabled. However, with post processing enabled, the game is unplayable with AA above 2x. I also noticed some occasional buggy behavior when post processing is enabled, such as the game displaying nothing but a black screen after the table loads, but it's probably an issue unique to my hardware.

So yeah, either disable post processing or lower the AA and/or ball reflections is my advice.


New member
Aug 5, 2013
Thank you. Actually the ball reflection on low setting is almost identical to me, so no problem to disable it. I was wondering anyway, why a game that would seem not that resource demanding, does not run at 60 fps all the time.

Alex Atkin UK

New member
Sep 26, 2012
My guess would be post processing is designed for newer GPUs as it runs perfectly on my GTX 660. I haven't checked the ACTUAL frame rate with FRAPS yet (I will later) but it felt 60fps.


New member
Jan 17, 2013
I think the poor performance is much more related to the screen resolution than to anything else. I have 2 PC's, and my slower PC is running the game better (on the same settings, just with lower screen resolution):

1. Desktop PC
Core i5 3570 @ 3.4 GHz
Geforce GTX 560
Win 7 64 Bit

I play on 1920x1080 and get slowdowns on MM during multiball with PostProcessing enabled and low ball reflections.

2. Laptop:
Core i7 720 @ 1.6GHZ
GeForce GT 240M
Win 7 64 Bit

I play on 1366x768 and get absolutely no slowdowns on MM during multiball with PostProcessing enabled and low ball reflections.

So the slower machine runs the game better just because of the lower screen resolution!


New member
Aug 5, 2013
I have to say, I tried to launch the game right now in "windowed fullscreen" and it's absolutely smooth... this is weird but... have a try and see by yourself


New member
Nov 7, 2013
You shouldn't be having these kind of issues.

I have a i7 950@4Ghz with a GTX 570 and I can play with 4xSGSSAA at 2560x1440p with 60FPS without issues.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
You shouldn't be having these kind of issues.

Post processing is very buggy with some GPUs. For example, on my HD3850, enabling post processing causes the tables to load as a solid black screen at least 3/4ths of the time. I can eventually get them to load properly if I continuously toggle post processing and anti-aliasing, but then the game becomes severely lagged if the anti-aliasing is anything above 2x. Rendering in a fullscreen window, as opposed to standard fullscreen, reduces some of the lag — which is strange, considering that windowed fullscreen requires more resources than standard fullscreen.

At first I thought that it was unique to my system, but plenty of other people have been complaining about encountering the same bugs and others involving post processing. Hopefully Farsight eventually resolves the issue so that post processing will function as intended on all systems that support it.

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