Turn Based Multiplayer Or Not?


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New member
Apr 17, 2012
I know that online multi-player will be coming to TPA. My fear is that it will work in a similar way to
Zen Pinball Multiplayer in which all the players are playing at the same time. Each Player can only see their pinball table while playing. A goal is set in terms of a winning score. The number of balls each player has is unlimited. Each time a players ball drains, a penalty is subtracted from that players score by percentage, 5%, 25% etc. While playing, each player can see a graphical representation of all the players progress to reaching the winning score.

Many people are satisfied with this type of online multi-player for pinball but I for one am not. Considering you strive to create the most realistic pinball experience without actually playing pinball, I do hope that you will at least offer, as an option, turn based online multi-player in which each player must wait until their opponents ball drains before it is their turn. Each player will see on their screen the pinball table of whoever's turn it is. In addition, live voice chat can be activated so players can talk while playing.

Some have said that this set up is not the best idea because a single ball can last a long time or they raise the question what will be done in terms of extra balls. Use a Tournament Mode Option to solve the extra ball issue for those that think it is an issue. I for one would not be concerned about how long my opponent kept a ball going and the fact that I can watch them play their ball and speak to them while doing so is very exciting to me. This is how it is in real pinball.

My question to all of you players is do you want TURN BASED MULITIPLAYER AS AN OPTION ON ONLINE MULTIPLAYER?


Feb 28, 2012
I don't know if you have a family life or a girlfriend, but personally I haven't got the time to sit and watch some other dude play. Only if he is a real wizard and can teach me a thing or two. Vimeo videos yes please, turn based multiplayer, never.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
What can it hurt as long as it's an option and not "The Way It Is". I like the point attack idea too. If I was at a real table playing with another person, we would either swap game to game or play turns. There are many ways to skin a cat and the more options, the better.

RetroBlast, if it's included I would play you, but you need a 360 lol


New member
Apr 17, 2012
@Dan, I find it amusing that you would insult me and attack me on a social level. Perhaps I would like to play a family member or girlfriend in turn based multiplayer. It seems to me that you would not have the time to play real pinball becasue you would have to wait for the other players ball to drain, or worse yet, you may have to even speak to them while they are playing! Gamers spend hours playing mulitplayer games that are turn based ... take Hustle Kings Pool for example, one of my other favorite games ... look at all the mario party games that are turn based. It seems to me, to get as close to the real thing as possible, turn based mulitplayer is the way to go. Think for a minute how fun it would be to hear the other player yell out when they screw up, cheer them on when they make a nice shot, or how enjoyable friendly bantering could be.

@superballs ... I would love to play you, but that 330 is a little out of reach at this point :D.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Personally I wouldn't want to sit there watching someone else play. Turn based multiplayer is a necessary limitation of real pinball, it is not a virtue.

I suppose the ability to watch someone else play could be an option. It would take more programming though and I doubt the vast majority would use such a feature.

Operators loved games like Gauntlet because you could have multiple people playing at once.
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New member
Apr 17, 2012
If a particular table supports multiple people playing at once, I am all for it. I personally like the Pinballistik battle mode and wish it was an online feature. I would be all for that in The Pinaball Arcade except that Farsight is seeking the most realistic pinball play on real tables so altering a table to support a battle mode is out of the question. I feel like I may very well be in the minorty of wanting turn based multiplayer which is why I started this post, to see if I actually am or not.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I'd like it as an option for sure.
Half the fun is having the other person watch your fluky shots and lucky saves-whilst taunting their mistakes :)
Maybe a window you can type comments to them whilst they play? ;) LOL.
(Maybe not that-But turn-based as an Option...YES YES!)


New member
Feb 25, 2012
Why anyone would be against options is beyond me.
I for one would love to play it that way.

It is not a matter of options, it is a matter of preference. Obviously everyone would prefer to have both but that would hardly back an interesting poll would it.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Now that we have moved to defining options / preferences ... I assume that Farsight is leaning more towards a Zen type multiplayer and has not even considered a turn based multiplayer mode. It is for this reason I am asking If people would like turn based mulitplayer as an additional option. What is my preference? No Zen type mulitplayer at all and soley turn based multiplayer but I figured if people here showed a genuine interest in turn based mulitplayer, perhaps Farsight may consider adding it as an option.

As of this post, its a tie 3 for and 3 against ... I would love to see a turn based tournament between those for and those against .... can you imagine the voice chitter chatter and insults flying ... it would be a blast!


New member
Apr 17, 2012
It was not my intention to create a fixed poll ... of course everyone is generally for more options, but the poll is not asking people if they like having more options or not, the poll is specifically asking ... Do you think having turn based mulitplayer is a good idea and do you want it or do you think it is a bad idea and you don't want it.

Oh, sorry my bad.

This poll seems kind of fixed. I'm am never against more options but that doesn't mean I have any particular interest in this feature.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I'd like it as an option for sure.
Half the fun is having the other person watch your fluky shots and lucky saves-whilst taunting their mistakes :)
Maybe a window you can type comments to them whilst they play? ;) LOL.
(Maybe not that-But turn-based as an Option...YES YES!)

hey HOW, that would be the joy in having voice chat while playing. It is a feature in the pool game Hustle Kings for the PS3 / PS Vita, and it is awesome and adds so much to the game. Of course, players have the option to turn off their mic but part of the real fun is gently taunting your opponent.


Feb 28, 2012
That was never meant as a personal attack, sorry. But back in the days pinball was a social thing because a bunch of friends were standing around the pin and watched. Of course you had to wait for your turn. Today you are trying to emulate that social experience by boiling it down to watching online gameplay. Am I too old-fashioned?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Would I play it: No
Do I mind it being an option: No.
Do I mind Farsight putting resources towards developing it: Only if it doesn't detract resources from developing other options, tables, bugfixes and whatnot.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
That was never meant as a personal attack, sorry. But back in the days pinball was a social thing because a bunch of friends were standing around the pin and watched. Of course you had to wait for your turn. Today you are trying to emulate that social experience by boiling it down to watching online gameplay. Am I too old-fashioned?

Unfortunately, this is what the world has become ... to think, a few years back we used to actually call people on the phone and listen to their voice .... now we text them. We used to ask people how and what they were doing ... now we check their facebook page. We used to visit people, now we video call them on SKYPE ... We used to play actual pinball, now we play The Pinball Arcade ... Did you know that in Zen Pinball each player can have their cams and microphones turned on? The strange thing about that is, without seeing what the other player is actually doing, there is little to talk about, unless of course you are friends in real life and are just chit chatting. Heck if I had my way, multiplayer would be turn based with cams and microphones turned on .... we are simulationg playing pinball, why not simulate it as much as possible and allow all the social aspects into it.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
and I am ready to go to battle with you when it is offered! ... as long as you play Sweet Melisa in the background when its my turn in the game! BRING IT ON!

Tony C

New member
Feb 20, 2012
Turn based play is obviously the only true recreation of multiplayer pinball. The idea of playing a battle type of game where both players play fields are on the same screen sounds way to distracting to me. Either way, I would thing the problem for either scenario would be lag. Some devices have enough trouble displaying the local game smoothly. Now you want to watch someone play over the internet? Even more difficult, you want to play two games side by side over the same connection? That's a big hurdle, I think. Since I don't have a console, I'll probably never see it.

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