BUG - Tales of the Arabian Nights


New member
May 3, 2012

Well, with the Jubilee Celebrations going on I've had chance to hone my skills - still FAR behind everyone else, but slowly getting there!

Anyway, finally managed to 'Rescue the Princess' and saw the two of 'em fly off into the distance (plus a healthy score racking up...)

Then the game locked up - I tried heading out to 'Achievements', etc, and back again to see if that would jolt it back to life, but alas, the that was it.... so had to restart.

Did tick off the 'wizard goals' , but no hi-score.....

Pretty gutted to be honest, is this how the rest of the game is...?

I'm all for the new tables - but quality control needs to be addressed before more tables are added to the mix.

Not happy to be honest, ball 'goes through' flippers I'm sure at times, and the skill shot on launch does not always register... basic stuff at the front end that should be tested out...??????


Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
This is the first I've heard of the 360 version locking up.

I have yet to see the ball go through the flippers on any table, although enough other people have reported it that I assume it does occasionally happen. The ball can get going very fast and drain faster than you can see it, just like a real table.

The skill shot on Arabian Nights does not always register properly on the real table as well. FarSight's emulation is accurate enough that it copies the errors in the original table as well, for better or worse.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I have yet to see the ball go through the flippers on any table, although enough other people have reported it that I assume it does occasionally happen. The ball can get going very fast and drain faster than you can see it, just like a real table.

I've seen things that I thought might be the ball ghosting through a flipper, but I'm never sure if that's really what happened, or if it was a realistic, very fast center drain that grazed the end of the flipper. It's very difficult to tell.

I have seen the ball get lost somehow on Ripley's on the XBox. The table actually goes into ball-search mode, just like a real table with a stuck or missing ball, but there's no way out short of forcibly ending the game; "call attendant" just results in a message saying the ball isn't stuck. The "ball fell off table" situation happened a lot on Wii PHoF: Williams, but at least it'd give you a new ball automatically when that happened.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
I'm just taking a stab in the dark, here, but how long did you wait? There is a fairly long cut-scene where nothing is happening in the game. They fly off in the magic carpet and you get 20 million points and it takes at least 30 seconds.


New member
May 3, 2012
I saw it go past 50 million...

Then, once the animation was over the display registered 'Player One Get Ready' or to that effect... I just had the table view that I had been using + the dot matrix display....

I did wait and as mentioned tried to get it to continue by checking achievements and other menu items, hoping that a return to the game would allow a continue....??

Hope that helps...?

As I said, I am way behind most of you chaps - my previous hi-score was 43 million and getting beat at the skeleton stage - very annoying(!!!), then, I just beat the Genie and had a ball in hand - my hands were shaking, so I allowed plenty of time in the hope my score would register and on I'd go!



Apr 13, 2012
Hi Damian,

You have to plung the ball back into game. Isn't there "Shoot again" or something like that on the DMD? (Can't remember right now.) Just pull the plunger and off you go after beating the Genie. If you can do it once, you can do it again. Good luck! :)


New member
May 3, 2012
Thanks for the heads-up ScotchYeti....

I'm sure I tried that (and everything else besides!)

As I recall, I did get a 'plunger' sound effect (I tried nudging etc), but to no avail..... the DMD just highlighted 'player one get ready' or something similar....

When I get a moment, I shall have to have another go.... and perhaps, if lucky enough to get to the end will have to see what happens again....

Thanks again though.



DJ Clae

New member
Jun 17, 2012
I have seen the ball get lost somehow on Ripley's on the XBox. The table actually goes into ball-search mode, just like a real table with a stuck or missing ball, but there's no way out short of forcibly ending the game; "call attendant" just results in a message saying the ball isn't stuck. The "ball fell off table" situation happened a lot on Wii PHoF: Williams, but at least it'd give you a new ball automatically when that happened.
Same happened to me, but "call attendant" DID work. I may have had to select it, then wait, then later select it one more time. But finally the game did resume. I wonder where the ball actually went, or if the game actually just lost track of it.

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