timeframe on dx11

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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I'd love to know as well. Previously Farsight made it sound as though Xbone is essentially finished. If that's the case, then why can't they move on to DX11 and cab support? The PC version is about a year old now and they've been dangling these features like a carrot in front of us since day 1. Any day now would be mighty swell, lol.
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Jan 28, 2013
I'd love to know as well. Previously Farsight made it sound as though Xbone is essentially finished. If that's the case, then why can't they move on to DX11 and cab support? The PC version is about a year old now and they've been dangling these features like a carrot in front of us since day 1. I think we've waited long enough, to be perfectly honest.

Jeff, feeling your frustration. If I remember right we were assured DX11 support would be with us around January of this year? Or was it before Christmas?

My feeling now is that it'll be done in a hurry (if at all) and quality will suffer once again.


New member
Dec 18, 2013
I'd love to know as well. Previously Farsight made it sound as though Xbone is essentially finished. If that's the case, then why can't they move on to DX11 and cab support? The PC version is about a year old now and they've been dangling these features like a carrot in front of us since day 1. Any day now would be mighty swell, lol.

Yeah maybe they will tease us again with it when the 12 days of Christmas starts again


New member
Apr 7, 2014
I don't believe there is any signing of the clause, it just exists. It also doesn't affect PC, aside from the engine guy getting tasked with Xbox One.
i think the clause is a requirement to publish a game on Xbone, so there's no additional signing required


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Jeff, feeling your frustration. If I remember right we were assured DX11 support would be with us around January of this year? Or was it before Christmas?
yeah, "soon after PS4 launch" :)
When was PS4 launch? November, December ...


New member
Jun 14, 2013
December or November 2013 they said PC is the main platform. DX 11 soon and after that cabinet features.

December Farsight said the PS4 lighting engine guy is finished and is now working on the PC version of DX11

PC DX11 lighting guy is on vaction he's nearly finished he is back in middle of January.

We are working on Xbox One instead as it's a similar engine.

Six months later Xbox One is same engine as PC so PC will be soon after Xbox One.

Then on Steam this week Mike comments on Microsoft parity clause rules.

I bought the PC version with the promise of DX 11 in Q1 or q2 2014. PC Dx 11 version should of been ported to Xbox.
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Apr 18, 2013
The hold up does slowly start to grind on you and i will admit it has played a small part in my not buying the season 4 pass yet, although for the most part i am waiting to see what other tables are on the list, but yeah it does start to grind on you after a while. :(


I'm holding back on buying three seasons on PC now. It's their loss really..


New member
Jul 11, 2013
Yup, I still haven't bought season 2 onward.

Perhaps one day, they'll figure it out... They've already lost all momentum and whatever customer base XB had at one point - and now are jerking around the paying PC and PS4 customers.

Just... brilliant. Do they not understand how many sales they are costing themselves with this stuff? Sales on actual, real, RUNNING platforms? How can you prioritize vapor-ware, over paying customers on active platforms? smh


New member
May 24, 2013
latest is 4th qtr ,ii`ve got all 4 seasons I`m not missing out. the lighting will one day be fixed,i`ve learnt with FARSIGHT when they give us a date allow 6-9 months and then some.i`d say XBOX 1first thenPS4 and PCS. we might all get a nice XMAS present from FARSIGHT !!!!! :cool:


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Jul 4, 2013
Spread thin? It's like you took the knife and held it an inch over the butter, then tried to cover your bread.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I am given up on TPA now. Visual Pinball tables have advanced so much in the last 12 months in terms of lighting, physics, etc. plus you can get recreations of older tables (including EMs) that FS will never produce.

Since TPA was first announced I promoted the game as much as possible in forums, through friends and I wanted it so much to become the virtual pinball benchmark experience but that just hasn't happened. My last purchase was Season 2 on PC and unfortunately that will be the last.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Perhaps one day, they'll figure it out... They've already lost all momentum and whatever customer base XB had at one point - and now are jerking around the paying PC and PS4 customers.

Just... brilliant. Do they not understand how many sales they are costing themselves with this stuff? Sales on actual, real, RUNNING platforms? How can you prioritize vapor-ware, over paying customers on active platforms? smh

And I splurged earlier this year and bought a PS4-only to find that the PS3 gets more attention from FarSight. The PS3/Vita versions are only three tables behind. As much as I like the PC version, it's not without sin-namely that DX11 is eons away.

Say what you want about my constant complaints-Like so many other customers, I have put my money where FarSight's mouth is.


New member
Dec 9, 2012
The creators of TPA should ask this guy for help. This is what lighting on a PC pinball game should look like. A million times better than TPA and its only in Alpha stage. Shame on TPA...


Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
No, they shouldn't. Timeshock is almost a year overdue and has been in development for two...for a single table. Even its beta testers (of whom I'm one) are getting pissed.
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