Rich Hutnik

This profile exists on here to promote the International Abstract Games Organization, and CADERS. The International Abstract Games Organization (IAGO), with the website being: And also the CADERS group on here, which is dedicated to casual and retro gaming. You can use this to get to the Facebook group now: http://www.caders.comBelow you can see a list of more info on my game designs:Most of the following can be found in the designer's profile on Boardgame Geek: Profile on contains other reviews and comments for my chess variants: General quotes about my designs:Néstor Romeral Andrés, founder or nestorgames ( : "I find the Games on Half a Checkerboard Series interesting, in regards to the diversity of games that attempt to push the limits of that space.""Frequently finding ways to bring people together through compelling double-edged game play, game designer, community builder and game changer Rich Hutnik has a gift for pushing boundaries in both unconfined and tightly constrained gaming dimensions. For the unconstrained, check his ingenious massive multiplayer Vox Populii format, in which Rich deftly takes Chess (or any other game for that matter) turns it into an MMO, game show, and casino game all in one blow. The end result is uncontrived and has pure mainstream up side. For edgy tight constraints, check out the half-checkerboard series. With very little he creates a series of rich, potential classics. J: The Misere Connection Game and Kings Crossing are particular favorites. Rich has a true knack for the game fricassee, spicing ordinary games with bold flavor: I've personally played Simultaneous Captains Mistress with the author himself at the Bronx Botanical Gardens. What an awesome game.-Aaron CaswellCapturePlay cofounder and lead architect"The games:3 on 3:* 6/10 rating on Boardgame Geek.Afro-Celt Mancala System:* 7/10 rating on Boardgame Geek:* Comment:

Board Games, Abstract strategy games Youcef Nadarkhani, Trick-taking game, Playing Retro Games, Retr
NY state (USA)
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XBox 360

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