Recent content by squezey

  1. S

    A new app on the way from Stern and Farsight

    I can understand a separate app for Stern tables at this point even if I don't exactly like the idea but my only hope is that they just take their time with it and crank out some quality work instead a of a rushed sea of buggy Stern tables just because so many people want them so badly. Would...
  2. S

    What do you feel is the most overrated table in Pinball Arcade?

    Black Knight 2000 is one of my favorite tables partially because of nostalgia since it was the first machines I ever played and fell in love with and overall I just think it's a really beautiful machine that has really smooth gameplay that even translates very well digitally. I definitely see...
  3. S

    Own tables on multiple platforms? What's the platform you use the most?

    Yeah but among all over arcade sticks for PC online it looks like one the best with a more classic style to it. I'm perfectly fine playing pinball with my keyboard and wouldn't buy it just for that but I also do use MAME and it would make the experience much more interesting. I'm not buying one...
  4. S

    Own tables on multiple platforms? What's the platform you use the most?

    New to this forum also, I've been playing TPA since over the middle of the Summer on 360. Knew about it for longer but never checked it out for some reason. Switching over to PC though cause that's getting more attention from here on out most likely and plus PC is always much better for stuff...
  5. S

    Barely more new good tebles ?

    Yeah see I don't get to play pinball and especially the machines I love to death often anymore at all. The closest place to me that has a couple of favorites of mine is sort of out of the way and I'm not down that way too often. Not mention they aren't kept up too well. There is also a mall...
  6. S

    So What's next for the 360?

    I been playing on 360 cause I first found out about it on 360 and purchased a bunch of favorite tables but we aren't getting too much anymore on it for 360? That sucks, well I have no problem switching over to PC and rebuying everything over time since I think it's such a good simulation they...
  7. S

    How many pinball machines do you own?

    I wish I had the money to hold one up and know how to fix it up myself if it ever goes down somehow which always happens with them at some point. I know someone in my family that owns Sopranos, theater of Magic, Spiderman (stern), and Black Knight 2K (though not sure if it's working anymore). I...
  8. S

    Poll for Stern S.A.M./Spike Pinball Games for TPA

    No I see what you're talking about, some tables would just work better digitally than others. Machines that don't have that flow going and require a lot of very precise shots to get a good game going with don't tend to work as well because of the physics limitations of the program (I personally...
  9. S

    Poll for Stern S.A.M./Spike Pinball Games for TPA

    My Choices: Spiderman Tron Iron Man Avatar Transformers and though I didn't vote for them I would definitely buy Big Buck Hunter and Family Guy cause I did enjoy those tables but they weren't absolute favorites.

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