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  1. Mayuh

    Request Reset highscores on mobile

    72 bil is ridiculous. And the iOS bug which sent the ball to the dead heads is gone too... Thanks :)
  2. Mayuh

    Pinball living room :)

    Now that would be fun ;)
  3. Mayuh

    EPC 2014 - Rimini

    Is anyone else from here going to the European championships in March? Looking forward to meet a few guys there... ;) btw, only a few spots left of the 192.
  4. Mayuh

    Hmm, silverball tournament cheats?

    Say, wasn't that cross posting bug eliminated..? Or is this some other hack? This Sum Ting Wong guy is either a really damn good player or some skilled script kid ;) 20 mio on haunted house makes me a little suspicious...
  5. Mayuh

    One year...

    ... Well, some would say its about time. I say yes it is! It's quite hard to introduce one-self, but I try to: I was playing pinball when I was 14-17 years old. Back then a single coin secured my drinks and I sold my credits for half the regular price to those around me. I never touched a...
  6. Mayuh

    Heya, look what a friend posted on Facebook...

    Edit: Yep, door didn't think of that :) :) First Roy, now Daniele... Woah... tournament competition ;)
  7. Mayuh

    Bride 2.0 ready

    :D just pre-ordered my upgrade kit! That was a long time waiting...
  8. Mayuh

    Silverball goes Silverscreen - Our tournament 14. Sept 2013

    Phew - what a great idea it was. Let's turn a multiplex Cinema into an pinball heaven for a day. And organize my second tournament - there is plenty of space, so why not try to make it the biggest tournament in Austria. Let's see... Pinball tournament in a cinema. Ok, so we need a trailer for...
  9. Mayuh

    Input delay?

    I don't know if it's my system or just me. As I didn't find anything here about a certain input delay, I just wanted to ask, if somebody else feels a little delay between pressing the flipper buttons (USB keyboard) and TPA reacting? For me, I get used to it in 30 seconds. But my first game of...
  10. Mayuh

    Double faces flickering on backbox

    On the lower left display of the backbox, you see a little geometry error (in the upper left corner of the display). It's either a flipped face (black triangle) or two faces sharing the same position. The render engine doesn't quite know which face is in front, so it starts flickering. Happening...
  11. Mayuh

    First Wizard of Oz

    I have no idea how the distributor managed to do this, but he did! We have a Wizard of Oz right here in my hometown :) afaik it is one of only five delivered to Europe. The machine plays awesome, has 100% Bally/Williams mechanical parts and is just fun to play. Due to its massive amount of...
  12. Mayuh

    iOS - Bug Tournament: Flipping through highscores...

    Crashes the app. iOS 6.1.3 iPad 3rd gen. A lot of zeros can also be seen ;)
  13. Mayuh

    Phew... Nudging...

    Playing the current tournament really made me feel disappointed about current nudging abilities... I want to rest my thumb down on the screen to flip the ball, while moving it in any direction to nudge the table - maybe with a definable dead zone/threshold. Pretty please with sugar on top...
  14. Mayuh

    ....just finished my first tournament ...As a tournament director!

    Boah! It was exciting! See the final here... Without commentaries (austrian isn't that sexy anyway :) Red line mania on Getaway by Roland. And an extremely good game on (my) Taxi by Markus! He scored 4(!) jackpots! Well, I need a vacation :)
  15. Mayuh

    BUG: Real Life ;-) Fast forward to 16:00... OMG!
  16. Mayuh

    That awkward moment...

    ...when you reinstall a cleaned, polished restored ramp - then at the last screw it fxxxing CRACKS! O.o ;-(
  17. Mayuh

    Tables for Sale in Europe - High Prices

    Wanna be bankcrupt in 24 hours? Making a real life TBA? Omg! I just found this site/company: Professional restaurated pinball machines - what would be your first - if you could afford it? Mine: funhouse :-) Sometime in the future I...

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