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  1. mmmagnetic

    Lamp Hunter Mode is AMAZING.

    I just started dabbling with this game again today and discovered the Lamp Hunter mode. I was really suprised how much fun it is - definitely a gimmick mode, but boy, it´s entertaining. - Every game starts with an instant 3 ball multiball. - The usual switches, bumpers and targets are...
  2. mmmagnetic

    "Lazy" flippers - graphical bug?

    (Mods, please feel free to delete/merge if this issue has already been brought up, I did a quick search and found nothing) Hi there! I just got a new 2nd gen Nexus 7 yesterday, and TPA looks stunning on it. However, I noticed something weird: Every once in a while, a flipper seems to flip...
  3. mmmagnetic

    Do you know this table? (Extremely blurry 90s family picture, detective skills manda)

    (..."mandatory" is what I meant to type before my sausage fingers hit enter.) I was visiting my mother today, and while I was casually browsing one of our old photo albums, I came across a picture that showed my cousin and me sitting in an italian restaurant in Gummersbach, Germany, during the...
  4. mmmagnetic

    German rap beat uses pinball sample

    So my brother showed me this video on his phone today: I haven´t played TotAN for quite a while, and at first I thought of Castlevania Symphony Of The Night for some reason, then I was certain that it was from Theatre Of Magic. I´m not exactly a huge fan of rap (at least not our local...
  5. mmmagnetic

    The low camera angle is actually useful for once...

    ... because I can see the ball to the upper flipper through the orbit much better ;) On the top-down view, that area is almost completely covered up by the (non-transparent in the iOS version) blue ramp plastic - kinda weird considering how important that shot is. And it seems to be a problem...
  6. mmmagnetic

    Share your first impressions!

    So, how do you like Creature so far? I´ve got to say, I instantly fell in love with it, much faster and harder than any other table on either TPA or PHOF before. Here are some of my quick first impressions after a couple of hours of play, I´d love to hear yours! I absolutely adore the theme...
  7. mmmagnetic

    Is there a comprehensive list of pinball "firsts"?

    Hey everybody, I was wondering if anybody knows of a list of pinball "firsts" in a chronologic order? Things like "first multiball" and "first lane changing feature" are pretty easy (both Firepower... right?), but there are a ton of other things that really make me wonder when they got...
  8. mmmagnetic

    Wow... I had no idea how important nudging is.

    Okay, so I got quite a bit tired of playing TPA on my iPad - that thing gets pretty heavy in my hands, and there is always this ergonomic problem of either having to hold it up to my face, which stresses my hands and arms, or having it lying down somewhere, which usually means it's terrible for...
  9. mmmagnetic

    Going on a dutch island this summer, and look what´s waiting for me there!

    I know this might not seem like a big deal to you people who have frequent access to pinball classics, but I´m really excited right now: I´ve been to this vacation park on Texel, north Holland a few times in the past, and they always had this little arcade there, with a couple of arcade games...
  10. mmmagnetic

    Portrait vs Landscape - pros and cons

    (This topic mostly applies to the iOS and Android ports, but the concept of low vs high angles is universal, so I posted it in the general section. Move if necessary :)) I play TPA on my iPad. Up until now I´ve been playing in portrait almost exclusively - I mean, it just makes sense, right...
  11. mmmagnetic

    Tables that will never get licensed

    I recently stumbled across a video of a Super Mario Bros pinball by Gottlieb: Back when I was a kid I had both a huge crush on everything Nintendo AND a deep-seated interest in pinball, and thus would probably have had a screaming fit of joy if I had...
  12. mmmagnetic

    Favorite MM lines?

    I love the amount of voice samples in MM, it´s amazing how much character it gives the game. My favorites definitely are the sexy damsel ("That dragon is, like, SO scary! EW!") and Lord Psycho ("You´re making me crazier!"). Recently I´ve been playing a (for me at least) pretty good round, and...
  13. mmmagnetic

    Pinball designer style trademarks

    So I was watching a TZ video the other day, now that it´s definitely coming, and suddenly between the music and sound effects I heard the voice from Whirlwind "Return to your homes!". Just a few days before that I noticed that the shrunken head in RBION says "I feel like a million!" just like in...

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