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  1. 弹珠台

    Request Gottlieb Pro Football

    i found this unique table in Future Pinball tables,this table not use plunger and launch ball by right flipper is any chance it can be included to TPA? ;)
  2. 弹珠台

    Request Party Animals Bally

    i first time heard it is from Party Zone,but in what time Party Animals will come to TPA for compose party trilogy?:cool:
  3. 弹珠台

    Android genie playfield

    this real machine bonus this genie in Android TPA bouns please fix it in Android
  4. 弹珠台

    Android Dr dude

    FlippyFloppy i found dr dude yellow wire are missing in Android somebody said that is an performance problems,but i want know why only yellow wire missing,red and green wire are working fine? so please fix this ,if red and green wire can works that yellow wire should can works fine too :mad:
  5. 弹珠台

    Request Hot Shots Gottlieb

    who said done with gottliebs??? i found this fun table in the 80's :mad:
  6. 弹珠台

    Request gottlieb baffle ball

    i want know everyone would agree include baffle ball into TPA? even though Microsoft Pinball Arcade has been included this table,but MPA is a win9x game it's very older :rolleyes:
  7. 弹珠台

    Action 52 by FarSight???

    is this FarSight's black history?i know Action 52 is a notorious game
  8. 弹珠台

    can't access TPA server and website in China

    Hi,i live in China,before i can access TPA server and website without VPN,but from yesterday i can't access them,i tried to use CMD - tracert to check,i can access TPA server and website by VPN,seems TPA server blocked China??? i know Google is blocked in China ,so currently i download TPA from...
  9. 弹珠台

    whats Steren Pinall Arcade???

    whats Stern Pinall Arcade??? i has been known have a game named "Stern Pinall Arcade",but where i can download free trials? why some newest Stern tables are separate form Pinball Arcade? in fact i do not hope that happen,i hope several pinball manufacturer are pulled together become a big...
  10. 弹珠台

    Jive Time and Ace High

    this two table should be licenced,and known be included in Pinball Hall of Fame games,what time them will go to TPA?or Farsight has been forget them? →_→
  11. 弹珠台

    Request Ghostbusters 2016 (Stern)

    i hope real Ghostbusters 2016 (Stern) come to TPA not that faker Ghostbusters 2014 (FarSight):mad:
  12. 弹珠台

    license issues is a tiger blocking the way

    these days i browsed many threads about video games theme like add super mario bros to Pinball Arcade,but seems without exception everyone says "unfortunately",really some video games theme base tables must say goodbye to Pinball Arcade?but some even i haven't seen it before :(
  13. 弹珠台

    Android - Bug a couple of tables issues

    Pinball Arcade 2.01.5 for Android Whirlwind missing background music when first time start game White Water have incomplete flyer display(it seems to be enlarged) Flight 2000 have camera angle issue:it not show angle 4,but if you played other table and selected angle 4 that when you starts play...
  14. 弹珠台

    preview of the next episode

    i'm not tell everyone Big Hurt will is next table in season 6
  15. 弹珠台

    WildSnake Pinball Soccer

    anyone played WildSnake Pinball Soccer?this i remember i have seen the most strange pinball game i want know what's prototype of it in realworld?if really have,i hope it can be included in Pinall Arcade :p you can download free version from here if you want have a try...
  16. 弹珠台


    hello everyone,sorry my bad english,i'm a chinese player of pinball arcade,i very like American pinball and played many games about pinball in PC&mobile&console

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