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  1. T

    Request Start tables using a command line (allow options like starting with Operator mode)

    While the GUI is very functional, it's not friendly for front ends like GameEx or (sigh) HyperSpin. It would be really awesome if we could have some command lines that would open the game and automatically start a table. The icing on that tasty cake is if we could turn on some extra options like...
  2. T

    Adding a ticket dispenser to Williams WPC series of tables

    Has anyone ever successfully added a ticket dispenser to a Williams WPC pinball table? I have a WHO Dunnit that I'd like to attract some of my younger players to (youth these days... always wanting a physical reward). I have what I think is the correct ticket PCB and a ticket dispenser, but no...
  3. T

    Is there a button/flipper delay or is it just me?

    I haven't had the opportunity to install Pinball Arcade on my main computer yet, but on my laptop seems to have a slight delay between hitting the button (shift) and the flipper activating. It's been quite a while since I've played virtual pinball, so maybe it's just the difference I'm seeing is...

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