PS3 - Bug Bug with leader boards while in friends tab


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Just discovered a new bug and not sure if anyone else is having the same trouble.

It has to do with the leader boards and when I go to look at my weekly/ friends Tab after playing a table it seems to replace
my name with someone else.

My score is there but my name is replaced.

It also happens with the monthly/friends tab as well.

Anyone else having problems with this?

Have emailed


New member
Apr 3, 2013
It has to do with the leader boards and when I go to look at my weekly/ friends Tab after playing a table it seems to replace
my name with someone else.

My score is there but my name is replaced.

It also happens with the monthly/friends tab as well.

Anyone else having problems with this?

I checked this past night and I confirm the bug.

I played a very quick game on Red & Ted (351M) on PS3.

In the weekly/friends tab, my ID is correctly displayed because, among my friend list, I'm the only one who has played this table this week.

But in the monthly/friends tab, we are two fellas who have played this table this month (me and a friend from my PSN friend list). Scores are OK, but IDs are wrong, they are replaced by randomly picked IDs in my PSN friend list (these guys don't even own TPA).

All-time/friend tab is correct, though.

To resume:

Both in Weekly/Friends and Monthly/Friends tabs:

- If there's only one score, player ID is correctly displayed.

- If there's more than one score, player IDs are incorrect for all scores, and picked randomly from the PSN friend list (even if these friends don't own TPA)


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Yup, not sure how or why this bug reared it's ugly head.
I emailed help at farsight with some screen shots and haven't herd anything since.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has this bug.

Since it's a problem with the ps3, not sure when or if it will be fixed.

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Nov 11, 2012
Tried to download the master database score list fro m the website, its from mid-july and truncated. So seems massive db issues again.


New member
Apr 3, 2014
I thought I had replied to this thread a few days back but I guess I did something wrong. At the time I was just confirming that I knew about it and that it had been going on for a long, long time.

This time I will say that for mine, it doesn't matter what the specifics are for the Friend leaderboard, it doesn't work on any of them. Weekly/Monthly/All Time... they're all messed up. Just flipped through my All-Time leaderboards for all tables -- my name is there 4 times, twice as the only name and twice as one of two names. The other names are the same on every table and in the same order, sometimes the first name is the only name and sometimes there are two. Last time I checked this I'm pretty sure that the names were not all the same and they weren't always in the same order so not sure what that means. These two names have always been there though since I first noticed the glitch, I just think there used to be others. Neither of these(or the others) have ever played the game I'm fairly sure... one of them hasn't been online since before TPA was released.

It looks like all of the tables that only have one friend's name are tables that I don't own or that I've never played to post a score. The ones where my name is the only one are correct. It looks like the second score is usually my actual score, not sure where the first one comes from.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Thanks for the response Flippy.
Have any idea what would have caused that bug to happen?

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More than likely it was a feature that wasn't programmed correctly. Friends have been removed from other platforms because of a similar issue.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
Thanks again Flippy, looking forward for and hopefully resolving this bug and releasing the back log of tables for the PS3.


New member
Feb 2, 2015
These "Weekly friends" and "Monthly friends" leaderboard problems that are mentioned here, are also present on the Vita, and still not solved.


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