PS3 - Request Can we have the option to disable this screen?


New member
Apr 10, 2012

how to print screen on pc

I've always hated the "high score" or "your score" screen that pops up right after you finish a game. Heck, on WW it even blocks out the match animation. I'd rather see the table go back into game over and attract mode than that screen. I know you can see it when you go back to the table menu but then you have the camera panning around the table instead of a fixed one just after you've finished a game. On emulated tables your score is already displayed on the led or dmd but some may like it still on the screen RIGHT in front of them so, maybe, an option to turn it off?


New member
Jun 20, 2012
I'd rather they add the Backglass panel pan and zoom , but yeah let's have a option to disable the top scores and lets have pan and zoom views instead.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Already asked here >

But a big +1!

It's way too long before you can restart a game, with all those useless screens.

Come on, after each game, you have:

- First, the final score screen
- Then, the Highscore List screen
- Then, a save screen (even if you didn't enter a new score...)
- And finally the menu screen to start a new game...

Erf... is it not possible to have a simple "Replay" button as soon as you finish a game?

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