PS Vita - Bug Free Play on Ball Lock


New member
May 21, 2012
Fairly new to the forum, but I purchased the game for the PS Vita (technically got the PS3 version free?) and noticed one or two odd glitches that have been slightly disappointing. One of which, involving the Black Hole, was already reported here. The other I've been seeing was in the Tales of the Arabian Nights.

In instances where a ball is locked, whatever prompt is supposed to be showing on the display isn't showing, instead displaying "Free Play." It's not limited to when using the "lit" locks, as I've seen it happen with the secret ball lock as well. I've come to understand that the iOS versions have had this same problem in the past before an update, but I hadn't heard anyone mention the same issue in the PS least not from what I've seen.

...It isn't just me, is it?


New member
May 15, 2012
I too have that come up but I usually just ignore it. I think it might have something to do with possible ROM emulation but I am not really sure.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
As you mentioned, it did happen on the iOS version for awhile (not originally, but in between updates), so I'm guessing it will probably be fixed for the Vita in the first DLC update.

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