Ÿour LEAST favorite tables?


New member
Jul 28, 2012
My least favorite tables are probably Circus Voltaire which I simply cant get into and I'm also not mad on Whirlwind and again I simply cant get into that table.

I then have a few tables that I find I'm not that into although I will play them occasionally, Centaur, Dr Dude, Pinbot, Flight 2000 and Going Nuts fall into that bracket.

Everything else gets regular play time and to be honest compared to any other video pinball game I have ever played even my least favorite tables beat the best that anything else can offer and I would still 100% play Circus Voltaire and Whirlwind over any of the Zen tables as an example.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'm sorry, but I can't get into any of the EM machines. Just too boring IMO.

Have you ever played one in real life? The entire experience of playing pinball loses a lot from reality to the virtual version. I can see not liking virtual EM machines but to me when I hear someone say they don't like EM pinball machines in real life they might as well say they don't like pinball.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Have you ever played one in real life? The entire experience of playing pinball loses a lot from reality to the virtual version. I can see not liking virtual EM machines but to me when I hear someone say they don't like EM pinball machines in real life they might as well say they don't like pinball.

You know I just recently been playing in a monthly league and had a chance to play some EM machines. Wizard was the one I played yesterday and I still don't really like them. I did well on the table though. I've already stated before that when I got involved in pinball was in the early 80's when Firepower, Black Knight came out. Been Hooked on Mutiball tables ever since. I guess It's a matter of taste. Sure artwork on some those tables are awesome but I can't get into the old style of EM machines. I don't see how that makes you not like pinball. I'll play them if I have to but that's about it.

Never played Flight 2000 in the wild that I recall and I happened to get the top score on that table in the league tourney. It played a lot slower than the TPA version on my Samsung Galaxy 2. I'll look forward to playing in on the PS3 eventually. Of course this thread is about least favorite Flight 2000 isn't. I just wanted to gloat on my top score.

EM tables I dislike.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I am expecting the last few Gottliebs to be not-so-great. The racing themed one, Victory I believe, looks really weak from what I've seen. El Dorado also looks bad, but I think Ace High looks awesome. Am I missing any? I really hope they pack Ace High with something strong, like Tales from the Crypt, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Getaway , Fish Tales, or Roadshow... Something of that caliber. I hope they skip El Dorado altogether. Victory also has to be paired with something strong.

If they pair either of those with say 8-Ball, that's going to make for another really weak 2-pack, along the lines of Goin Nuts/F2K. Sales of Nuts and F2K had to of been really low, I know this because 52nd in the world with a 5 million score and I wasn't even really trying to achieve that.

8-Ball is a classic, but it doesn't have multiball. It needs packed with at least Sorcerer... Even then that's still underwhelming. Or wait till next year to release it with a DMD. Like I said I'm just watching out for Farsihht, I'd hate to see low sales again like with F2K and Nuts.

Anyways I'm getting off subject my original point was that I feel El Dorado and Victory will join my list of weakest tables. I almost wish they'd just skip them. We gotta get Sorcerer though, it's a classic.

Storm Chaser

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Apr 18, 2012
It's kind of difficult judging the tables without taking the goals in consideration (even though it doesn't make much sense). But a really bad table for me is one where it is difficult due to uncontrollable measures, only rewards endurance and have unreachable goals, so:

1. Genie: Hands down the most boring game. Incredibly annoying "music" and completely impossible to have any control over it.

2. Going nuts: Just soooo boring. Shoot drop targets, shoot drop targets, try to restart multiball, shoot drop targets. Annoyingly high goals as well.

I guess I hate pretty much all of the Gottlieb games in here. Dr Dude could have been pretty ok if it wasn't so easy to drain. Central Park is quite awful as well...

CPUB would be one of my top-5 games if it wasn't for the side-drains and SDTM-bounces. Same goes for Cactus Canyon...sad, on such promising tables.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
A Party Zone has just been installed at my local pinball arcade. Going to give it a shot, see if it's annoying as Dr Dude...


New member
Jul 11, 2013
CC and HD. I almost never play those tables, mostly because of the unappealing theme, but I don't really care much for the gameplay either, but then again, it's hard to get into the gameplay when the theme is so obnoxious you don't spend enough time in the table to actually get to know them.

I have a love/hate relationship with Genie. Mostly, I love to hate it. Then sometimes I "get" it and enjoy a game or two before the awful sounds grates my nerves to shreds and I have to turn it off.

Everything else I love and depends on my mood.

Rudy Yagov

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Mar 30, 2012
On the subject of Dr. Dude, I don't really hate it, but I also don't like it. It has nothing to do with the theme or sounds, I just don't like the playfield design or shots. Not the worst game in TPA, but I don't play it often.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
I spent my free time playing this today in attempt to get better. You just can't improve (get better) on this table. I reset if I don't win the first fight on the first ball just because I want to. Needless to say, I only played 2 or 3 whole games. You are right, tight shots and the simple shots are punished a lot. Never played the real table so I can't compare the two, but reports are the real table is easier.
. Chris I got to play a real Champion Pub last November at the Southern Pinball Festival in Orlando. All I can say is that machine was wickedly fast and furious, my balls would drain almost instantly. If anything the one on The Pinball Arcade is much easier, and if I need to I can give myself 10 balls when I go into the Operators Menu. I love Champion Pub I think it's the music, voices and playfield that drags me in, I love all tables except for the EM's. I could never get into them, I guess it's because I was in my 20's when I got into pinball. Now I'm 44 and still love pinball, but I mostly play the Flashy ones, my two all time favorite tables (which are tied) are Jersey Jacks The Wizard Of Oz, and Pat Lawlor's Family Guy. I got so much into playing Family Guy that it got me into watching the TV series on Netflix, I've seen every episode so far and waiting for Netflix to get more seasons.

Father Time

New member
Apr 21, 2013
. Chris I got to play a real Champion Pub last November at the Southern Pinball Festival in Orlando. All I can say is that machine was wickedly fast and furious, my balls would drain almost instantly. If anything the one on The Pinball Arcade is much easier, and if I need to I can give myself 10 balls when I go into the Operators Menu. I love Champion Pub I think it's the music, voices and playfield that drags me in, I love all tables except for the EM's. I could never get into them, I guess it's because I was in my 20's when I got into pinball. Now I'm 44 and still love pinball, but I mostly play the Flashy ones, my two all time favorite tables (which are tied) are Jersey Jacks The Wizard Of Oz, and Pat Lawlor's Family Guy. I got so much into playing Family Guy that it got me into watching the TV series on Netflix, I've seen every episode so far and waiting for Netflix to get more seasons.

If you get basic cable you can watch them on Cartoon Network's late night line up called Adult Swim. That's where I watch them. I have DVR, no Netflix and I don't mind staying up a bit late anyway.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
. Chris I got to play a real Champion Pub last November at the Southern Pinball Festival in Orlando. All I can say is that machine was wickedly fast and furious, my balls would drain almost instantly. If anything the one on The Pinball Arcade is much easier, and if I need to I can give myself 10 balls when I go into the Operators Menu. I love Champion Pub I think it's the music, voices and playfield that drags me in, I love all tables except for the EM's. I could never get into them, I guess it's because I was in my 20's when I got into pinball. Now I'm 44 and still love pinball, but I mostly play the Flashy ones, my two all time favorite tables (which are tied) are Jersey Jacks The Wizard Of Oz, and Pat Lawlor's Family Guy. I got so much into playing Family Guy that it got me into watching the TV series on Netflix, I've seen every episode so far and waiting for Netflix to get more seasons.

Cool, thanks for the info. Thought I read in the CP forum some members were stating the easiness compared to TPA. It might not be the quick drains and multiple shots needed on the table, but been playing this more and to me seems the flippers and sometimes the bumpers can fool you, as if I don't get a consistent bounce from them. I know real machines can be the same, but there needs to be a trade off from things you can do in reality versus the TPA virtual pinball.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
If anybody's saying that DR. Dude is not a fun game is wrong, i think it has a great playfield even though a little small but fun. I didn't like it when I played it in the Arcade at first, but the more I play it the more I love it. Party Animal is a very good game too, but out of all three of them I would have to say that Party Zone is my favorite. If we don't get Party Zone o The Pinball Arcade then I would have to say theirs something wrong. Playing Party Zone is as fun as playing White Water and all you guy know that they are Dennis Nordman tables, in my opinion I say he is up their to making some of the best tables. That's all I have to say.


New member
Jul 9, 2013

Harley Davidson, its not bad, but I never play her.

Dr Dude deserves a chance, because what some of you are telling is the exact same thing I felt when played Party Monsters. Now, after some hours and hours, Elvira is one of my Top 5 TPA tables(and Top 1 for my wife). That multiball start sound is at least EPIC.

I tought poeple would be more hateful to the EM tables on this thread... I was wrong... :)


New member
Oct 6, 2012
What kind of trade off would that be? Making things so predictable that you can go on forever?

No, well maybe but I don't see games going on forever either. Better flipper control in real life, better nudging in real life- because of those IMO, things should be slightly more predicable in virtual. Just like the loop issues that used to plague AFM and are still in CC. To me in CP- the multi ball collision reactions seem off and the flippers and bumpers seem off as well.

I like the harder tables, don't get me wrong, but I also don't like tables that make it seem I am getting screwed either, which CP makes it seem like- too bad I am actually starting to like the table. Might have to move HD to the bottom spot.


New member
May 23, 2012
But you're supposed to get screwed in pinball. Its like any other arcade game its meant to be a quarter muncher.

I get SDTM drains in tables like CC, AFM, MM CPUB, and Dr Dude all the time and I still keep coming back

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