The Olive Garden Analogy - my last post


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
One really loyal customer stands up and addresses the crowd:

"You dont understand! Shortsight would fix things faster, but every time they fix something they have to have it signed off by multiple Olive Garden franchise license holders who have to taste the dishes to make sure they're okay and that they approve! Then there's a 3 week to 1 year delay period between when the chefs hand over the finished dinner and when the waitresses can finally take it out to the tables. It costs them $40,000 every time an order is messed up and has to be replaced! It's a financial decision to keep Shortsight from going bankrupt!"

And that all may be true--- but you cant help but think to yourself, "if that's the way it is with every menu item, Shortsight knows that going into it... all the more reason to do a hell of a lot of taste-testing and MAKE SURE IT'S RIGHT THE FIRST TIME IT COMES OUT OF THE KITCHEN!!!"

Wait, is that supposed to be me?!

All I know is I play on the PS3, I've had zero download problems, I get to play every table I've paid for, and they all work fine. In contrast, I've been trying to get VP9 to work (cause of that little tourney people want to do) and it's been a headache. Finally got it all installed, only to have piss poor graphics cause my machine is older. Then I had a table not load up at all because of missing roms, even though I downloaded the entire rom file.

So no, the 'italian' bistro is not filled entirely with customers that are having a terrible experience. Some of us are damn happy, and this one got a personal tour of the kitchen that only made him feel better about what he's been and going to be eating.

Whaddya wanna bet that though this might be his last post here, he'll have plenty more over on Facebook?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Wheres Mark wyda? Maybe you could empathise with him. :p You gotta love the passion though, I mean the time it took to write:p I personaly would have said F'it! and not gone public like a scorend lover publicly forevermore. I want MORE CRY BABIES! BABIES I WANT TO HERE FROM YOU! REACTION! Its your choice and to you it was a bad 1 so NOW your a VICTIM? I know FS is going to continue the same shenanagins, but I CHOOSE to endure.

I consider it crack and Farsight is our dealer. You just can't walk away. Or Farsight is a girl you love and she treats you like crap a lot of the time. But the sex is so damn good you keep going back for more no matter what.

I expect bugs and problems. They will get worked out eventually. I appreciate all the hard work they put in and am staying in for the long haul. If I could prepay for the tables I would.


with this new trend can we set up a "I'm flouncing, but haven't gotten enough attention yet before I decide to erase my cookies post" section to the forum?

That or a visible, but locked "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!"


New member
Nov 1, 2012
Dude, you're totally right, the evil money grubbing powers that be in Big Bear Lake are sitting behind a room full of monitors filled with bug threads, petting a white cat and laughing manically while they send your cash through their industrial size bill counters.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
I find it funny that someone with 14 posts thinks that I care if this may or may not be his last post. :p

pin pin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
Your analogy is spot on- since the olive gardens #1 goal is to recreate perfect renditions of classic well known Italian dishes and nothing else. Although if you change your name to EndlessBreadstickMafia to post again I'll know it's you...
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Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Am I the the only person who wonders how some of these people deal with, you know.....REAL problems. I blew the head gasket on my car and I didn't get as upset as some people seem to get over the buttons they used on the new menu or the occasional table bug.

There's a new PAPA video of of an amazing tournament round of Twilight Zone. One player was just about to get Lost in the Zone (in tounament mode, mind you) when the relay to Battle the Power started malfunctioning and basically cost him cashing it in. Bugs happen in real work pinball too, but no one stomped away.

Nik Barbour

I blew the head gasket on my car and I didn't get as upset as some people seem to get over the buttons they used on the new menu or the occasional table bug.

I can match your blown head gasket (£800), and play a suddenly packed in fuel pump in a very dodgy area of town recently (£150 re-con).

I love driving 'end of life' cars, must be so boring to get in and go straight to where you wanted to get - no challenge in it! :D


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Am I the the only person who wonders how some of these people deal with, you know.....REAL problems. I blew the head gasket on my car and I didn't get as upset as some people seem to get over the buttons they used on the new menu or the occasional table bug.

Pretty much my reaction to every over the top post on this forum about how a particular machine has been "butchered" or how "pinball isn't just a game to me" or whatever. I have issues with the pinball arcade, but at worst they're annoying. Nothing which is wrong with the Pinball Arcade justifies a detailed rant like this - NOTHING. If your well-being has been harmed by some of the bugs in this discount-priced piece of software then in all honesty you need counselling.

This is a forum for fans of the Pinball Arcade. It doesn't mean you have to love everything Farsight does, but I think it does mean you need to have some perspective and, above all, respect for them and what they've done. If you don't, then I don't know why you'd bother posting here in the first place: just keep your rants on Facebook where they belong.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Please guys, do yourselves a favor and go to a real, family owned Italian restaurant, and you'll never go for that Olive Garden packaged/microwaved food again. :eek:

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
No offense but you only have 14 posts. So were you ever really here?

I'm sorry you've had issues with the transfer. Maybe Farsight can help? Have you emailed their customer support?

Anyways, we pinball fans are dropping like flies. First I leave permanently never to return, now this guy. **** who is next?


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Anyways, we pinball fans are dropping like flies. First I leave permanently never to return, now this guy. **** who is next?

Me me me. I'm gooooiiiiinnnng! I'm opennninnng the dooooor. I'm stepping outsiiiiiiide. TPA is like Sizzzzzlerrrr. I'm closing the dooooor.

Ok, I'm back.

But once AFM is out, I'm gone. That and Centaur. Yes, once AFM and Centaur is out, I'm through. That and Champion Pub. AFM, Centaur, and Champion Pub... and Whirlwind. And my thermos.
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New member
Sep 8, 2012
As an Italian I'm offended most by your love of Olive Garden.

Ooh, I knew it was coming from someone but it was still hilarious when it showed up.

I also had to laugh at Zen being referred to as the new Chinese place down the street..
If nothing else at least the OP was well written and entertaining, albeit somewhat pointless..


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Me me me. I'm gooooiiiiinnnng! I'm opennninnng the dooooor. I'm stepping outsiiiiiiide. TPA is like Sizzzzzlerrrr. I'm closing the dooooor.

Ok, I'm back.

But once AFM is out, I'm gone. That and Centaur. Yes, once AFM and Centaur is out, I'm through. That and Champion Pub. AFM, Centaur, and Champion Pub... and Whirlwind. And my thermos.

And i don't need any....I NEED THIS!!!!


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Me me me. I'm gooooiiiiinnnng! I'm opennninnng the dooooor. I'm stepping outsiiiiiiide. TPA is like Sizzzzzlerrrr. I'm closing the dooooor.

Ok, I'm back.

But once AFM is out, I'm gone. That and Centaur. Yes, once AFM and Centaur is out, I'm through. That and Champion Pub. AFM, Centaur, and Champion Pub... and Whirlwind. And my thermos.
If you're not waiting for any Steve Ritchie tables, then you're a part of the problem. I've had enough of your crap!
Though just watching a Centaur video now... that does look kinda good ;)


New member
Jul 18, 2012
Posting should be made with care on any forum if your feelings may be affected by unwanted responses, i know that by experience. This is for the olive garden guy. I read the whole post i wonder how long it must have taken to write, and the only result was more insults back at the guy, so tha was not very fruitful.

As for the analogy, i dont think it fits properly because TPA is the only restaurant in the world cooking real pinball tables for my ipad, hence the patience. Was there another restaurant I would be tempted to run for the competition
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New member
Feb 28, 2012
This is the second 'meltdown last post' of the holiday season that I didn't bother reading past the title of the huge post.

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