New XBOX (XBox One)


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Lots of gamers, especially of the fairer sex, prefer to game "socially" so having the twitter/facebook/etc., is somewhat vital for them. Males tend to game to escape, females generally as a social experience.

And there's no point going for the male market anymore - it's all tapped out - everyone who would want the console will buy it anyways - it's about attracting the non-gamers now, like what the Wii did.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Well, now that both Durango (xbox) and Orbis (PS) rumored specs are out...and it's all but confirmed these are basically PC's, it's all going to be about:

1)services (more notably PSN+ vs XBLA)

In regards to 1): I used to prefer XBLA and it's games, but PSN+ has made a strong case what 60 bucks a year should get you (ie: free games). I'm not subscribed to either atm (because I dont play multiplayer xbox and have all the PS3 exclusives I want to play.

In regards to 2): I've always prefered Sony exclusives, this gen thats Uncharted, God of War, Ratchet and Clank, Little Big planet and Demon Souls (albeit that has gone multiplatform) over Halo and Forza. Then again I prefer the XBLA exclusives (Spelunky, Fez, Shadow complex, Iron Brigade, Mark of the Ninja) over PSN ones (Flower, Journey, pixeljunk stuff).

and 3) comes down to mostly streaming capabilities. Both as a mediaserver from my pc as well as streaming games to a handheld device (I refuse to buy a Vita with the current state of software). I really need a way to play my console when the tv is taken up (which is currently done by switching a cable quickly to allow the visuals to go on the second input of my pc monitor)

Oh and there's 4: Sony really needs to dump dualshock 2 (already confirmed) in favor of something more akin to the 360 controller.
I probably won't consider a new console untill christmas 2014 anyways, so Ill have time to see how stuff plays out. I have a backlog of games the size of a phonebook anyways....

Lots of gamers, especially of the fairer sex, prefer to game "socially" so having the twitter/facebook/etc., is somewhat vital for them. Males tend to game to escape, females generally as a social experience.
Very true, and they get all that from smartphones and tablets. These people don't need a console anymore and they won't get it, ever, unless it's for their kids. Skylanders and now Disney have found their new focal point in that.

And there's no point going for the male market anymore - it's all tapped out - everyone who would want the console will buy it anyways - it's about attracting the non-gamers now, like what the Wii did.
Yes but not with "Casual games" like the Wii did: that was a onetrick pony and those people ahve moved on to their iPads. Even nintendo realised that and went back to their core (everyone understood the wiiote and how to move a bowlingball in Wiisports, but they are damn intimidated by the WiiU controller. Thast Wii crowd will now think "why do I need to buy a 300+ console when Im perfectly happy playing words with friens on my idevice". It will be the additional services like netflix ESPN and NHL lobbies and streaming the visuals to your controller so mom and dad can watch their TV. Or in my case, so dad can play his game will the kids take up the tv.... Give me a system where I can play Skyrim on the couch with a WiiU like controller and the TV on and I'd never leave home.
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I'm stealing your format and putting in my own thoughts, I hope you don't mind. I'd like to see where others stand as well.

1)services (more notably PSN+ vs XBLA)

In regards to 1): I used to prefer XBLA and it's games, case is still out whether PSN will start charging for multiplayer. Considering it's a billion dollar+ revenue stream for Microsoft, I'm still betting on it.

In regards to 2): I don't prefer either companies first party portfolio. With exception to Forza and Gran Turismo, I love both of these series, so I don't mind one over the other, they are both fantastic. I preferred 360 for Cave STG's, the really good Mistwalker JRPG's, and other odd exclusive gems (Chromehounds, Dead Rising), and superior multiplatform games (Bayonetta, Read Dead Redemption, etc.). All bets are off next gen, Mistwalker is history (as far as Xbox is concerned) and Sony may have the better hardware this time around meaning better multiplatform titles. XBLA has been insanely good, but again things could change. It's a new generation, you can't count on the previous one. Like all the people who bought a PS3 thinking it would have the best STG's and JRPG's bet on the wrong horse this gen (and many people did!).

and 3) no interest here. Not for me. Unless Microsoft shows me some kind of new service that I MUST have, I'm just all about GAMING stuff. Party chat, text messeging, Private chat, all cross game etc. Stuff that should be standard for both boxes next gen no doubt. Remains to be seen here but I'm not excited for more stupid Facebook/Twitcher/Hulu/Netflix/blah blah blah blah blah no thanks crap. Games please.

Oh and there's 4: Sony really needs to dump dualshock 2 (already confirmed) in favor of something more akin to the 360 controller. THANK GOD.

Very true, and they get all that from smartphones and tablets. These people don't need a console anymore and they won't get it, ever, unless it's for their kids. Skylanders and now Disney have found their new focal point in that.
^Interesting point. I think Microsoft realizes they have to compete with Tablets now so I can kinda understand the new direction they are taking in that respect, matching feature for feature. As usual when the market shifts, it's the core gamers who end up getting screwed. Sony hopefully realizes that we are large enough in number to sustain a machine but then again, with how hard many core gamers are moving towards PC perhaps MS has the right idea... we'll see.

Yes but not with "Casual games" like the Wii did: that was a onetrick pony and those people ahve moved on to their iPads. Even nintendo realised that and went back to their core (everyone understood the wiiote and how to move a bowlingball in Wiisports, but they are damn intimidated by the WiiU controller. Thast Wii crowd will now think "why do I need to buy a 300+ console when Im perfectly happy playing words with friens on my idevice". It will be the additional services like netflix ESPN and NHL lobbies and streaming the visuals to your controller so mom and dad can watch their TV. Or in my case, so dad can play his game will the kids take up the tv.... Give me a system where I can play Skyrim on the couch with a WiiU like controller and the TV on and I'd never leave home.

Exactamundo. Casuals are fickle as hell. Wii was "the thing" for 4 years. Now it's not. Wii U is a complete bomb, showing just how much 'brand loyalty' goes in the casual realm. Now "the thing" is tablets, and Wii U might be a tablet in a sense, it's still not making a dent in that market at all. They are 2 years too late with Wii U, had it released in 2010 they could have actually probably been a serious competitor to Apple.


Apr 12, 2012
Oh and there's 4: Sony really needs to dump dualshock 2 (already confirmed) in favor of something more akin to the 360 controller.
There has been no official confirmation that the Dualshock has been dumped. It's been reported but definitely not confirmed. And the report says they're looking at something akin to the WiiU controller:

It appears to be a foregone conclusion that the Dualshock is doomed but it's not confirmed yet. Personally, I love the Dualshock and would be disappointed if they went to the WiiU or 360 controllers.



New member
Jul 17, 2012
There has been no official confirmation that the Dualshock has been dumped. It's been reported but definitely not confirmed. And the report says they're looking at something akin to the WiiU controller:

It appears to be a foregone conclusion that the Dualshock is doomed but it's not confirmed yet. Personally, I love the Dualshock and would be disappointed if they went to the WiiU or 360 controllers.


Agreed. I honestly like the DualShock better than the 360's controller. I digress! Yeah I think Sony is wanting to take a different direction with the controller this time. I wouldn't be mad about the change, as long as the controller is comfortable.

On topic about the specs of both systems. I'm not all tech savvy like most of you are here. I will speculate that the specs are probably going to be close with one another regarding the consoles. The graphics are going to be damn near identical like they are now in most games. Like Balvb said, I think its going to come down to what they can offer to extend the fun factor for their customer's morale.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I too am a huge fan of the DualShock. Probably because I've been using that 'shape' for so many years. It strikes me funny how much hate there is for it now considering when it was introduced it was an absolute godsend. Even before the analogue sticks were put on, it was greeted with love. I don't know if it's a case of 'you didn't know what you were missing' or what, but it was only after the redesigned Xbox controller came out that suddenly the DualShock became this loathsome object. I don't know, I like the symmetry of the sticks, and the way I hold it has become second nature. When I hold an Xbox controller (and I have very limited time with those), while comfortable, it just feels off to me.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I find the dualshock great for giving me a cramp - mostly because I find the Xbox360's controller much more comfortable - so much so I have a Xbox controller to PS3 adapter. It just flows around my hand better.

Using the PS3 I got some nasty cramps. It's an ergonomic thing, and pretty personal choices - some people will fit better with the playstation controllers (the same shape has been around since the PSX), others the Xbox.

It's really a personal thing in the end - the PSX controller was probably all that when it came out. Hell the PS3 was supposed to get rid of the "classic" design to go for the batarang.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I too am a huge fan of the DualShock. Probably because I've been using that 'shape' for so many years. It strikes me funny how much hate there is for it now considering when it was introduced it was an absolute godsend. Even before the analogue sticks were put on, it was greeted with love. I don't know if it's a case of 'you didn't know what you were missing' or what, but it was only after the redesigned Xbox controller came out that suddenly the DualShock became this loathsome object. I don't know, I like the symmetry of the sticks, and the way I hold it has become second nature. When I hold an Xbox controller (and I have very limited time with those), while comfortable, it just feels off to me.

It gets hate 1 because the controller design is 16 years old.

Back in the 90's it was a great design. But once the Xbox 1 and Gamecube came out it became clear the stick placement of those controllers was more ideal. Especially for first person shooters.

While I like the PS design, even in the 90's I preferred the Saturn controllers and while it hasn't aged well, the Dreamcast pad showed the world how to do triggers. That's the main flaw right now on the PS3 pad the triggers are absolute garbage.

It's really a personal thing in the end - the PSX controller was probably all that when it came out. Hell the PS3 was supposed to get rid of the "classic" design to go for the batarang.

Back then not much fuss at all was made about the PSX controller. It was the N64 controller that got all the attention.

Dual analogs and built in rumble were seen as nice innovations, but noone was going "OMG BEsT contrller evar!!!", even back then. Here we are 16 years later and now you'd think by some the controller was christened by the hands of God...
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Lots of gamers, especially of the fairer sex, prefer to game "socially" so having the twitter/facebook/etc., is somewhat vital for them. Males tend to game to escape, females generally as a social experience.

And there's no point going for the male market anymore - it's all tapped out - everyone who would want the console will buy it anyways - it's about attracting the non-gamers now, like what the Wii did.

How did that strategy work out for Nintendo? Hey they made billions where are those customers now? They are talking about Wii U price drops already, and I actually like the Wii U from what I played of it. Goes to show how "important" that demographic really is...

I hope they do go a balls out, all Kinect, casual focused console, and I hope it fails. Or maybe it will be a huge hit. Either way that's not for me, I'm a gamer and I want a games console with powa. Give me POWAHHH!

I have no idea why people on B3D and neoGAF forums think a 1.2 TF GPU is going to compete with a 1.8 TF GPU that has faster ram, 6 additional Compute Units, and a fully dedicated CPU. I just don't see it, but people are swearing up and down "next gen is a wash". And it's not fanboys it's trusted dudes saying this. I don't get it. Doesn't make sense. This isn't magic "cell" and "RSX" blind faith bs either, this is hard facts Orbis is better on paper. Maybe the Xbox fanboyism is stronger or we are all missing something here. Guess we'll have to wait and see the games this E3.


Apr 12, 2012
FWIW, the latest leaks out of Sony - from the same guy who put an Xbox 720 dev kit on Ebay - seem to indicate they're sticking with the Dualshock:

Whatever they go with - if it's not some WiiU tablet-thing - will be fine by me. I can adjust to the 360-style controller and I like the Dualshock. Just stay away from anything resembling a Jaguar or N64 controller.



New member
Jul 30, 2012
I loved the N64 controller! The trigger felt great playing Goldeneye.

The Jaguar controller was terrible. Who thought a keypad would be a good idea??
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Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I've got a chat pad strapped onto my Xbox controller, and I paid £15 for the privilege.

Lol, I never thought of it that way! I too have one. An amazingly well designed peripheral, I love how well it fits the pad and it's so comfortable.

Back on topic: I just got done posting at B3D for some answers.

Well, I got them.

Yeah, I'm going Orbis guys. Unless something crazy happens, I'm jumping ship.

I will always cherish my 360. Such an amazing console, easily in my top 3 ever. Too many good games, too many memories and great times, hell going back to the Gears of War 1 days, the Halo 3 days, the Reach days. Great machine.

I know this is super early to call. But I know myself as a gamer, I know what I want and where I stand. I want a dedicated, powerful gaming box, I have no interest in Kinect or media and social features. I don't even use netflix. Just give me a damn gaming console with some power. Unless Sega, Platinum games, Capcom, Cave, and Grasshopper come out and say we are making exclusive Durango titles then there's no way I'm sticking with Microsoft next gen. Sony is bringing out a games console. Microsoft is bringing out... some kind of super tablet kinect facebook oh and btw gaming box.
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New member
Aug 12, 2012
The PS4 - aka Xbox 2. In other words, time to dust off the old Xbox hacking skills because the PS4 is now VERY interesting.

Now all Sony needs to do is have a sale on )(*@&#% gift cards. Why is it I can buy cards for Xbox and iTunes discounted, but not PS+ or PSN?


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Unless Sega, Platinum games, Capcom, Cave, and Grasshopper come out and say we are making exclusive Durango titles then there's no way I'm sticking with Microsoft next gen. Sony is bringing out a games console. Microsoft is bringing out... some kind of super tablet kinect facebook oh and btw gaming box.

Thats 5 Japanese-ass videogame developers/publishers right there, you might as well add From Software and Level 5 (btw, damn Ni No Kuni looks great, takes me back to Dark Cloud 2 days). No way they'll go MS-exclusive :). But yea I think you're too early to call this, then again I don't plan on upgrading a console till approx 23/24 months from now, when there is actually stuff worth playing (there hasnt been a launch where I havent been dissapointed in the software) and we know whats in the pipeline due to E3 having happened. I just don't have the funds anymore to be an early adopter.

It also depends if I have dropped my dota2 addiction by then. I tell myself I want to progress in Skyrim on 360 every night, but I just end up playing 5 Dota games and its time for bed :/
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Apr 12, 2012
Looks like Sony will finally address the multiplayer limitations from the PS3 with the PS4 - being able to have each controller assigned to a PSN account and earn trophies individually, etc. All stuff that 360 owners have taken for granted.

I can't see myself getting a 720 unless something drastic happens to change my mind. I do wish I had a 360 at times since ALL of my friends have one instead of a PS3 but...I mostly play single-player. And, for me, the single-player on PS3 just has too many killer exclusives. And I don't see that changing with the PS4. I can't get Uncharted 4, Killzone 4, Resistance 4, Infamous 3, God of War, and so on, on the 360. Plus all the PSN content I've already bought.



Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Looks like Sony will finally address the multiplayer limitations from the PS3 with the PS4 - being able to have each controller assigned to a PSN account and earn trophies individually, etc. All stuff that 360 owners have taken for granted.

I can't see myself getting a 720 unless something drastic happens to change my mind. I do wish I had a 360 at times since ALL of my friends have one instead of a PS3 but...I mostly play single-player. And, for me, the single-player on PS3 just has too many killer exclusives. And I don't see that changing with the PS4. I can't get Uncharted 4, Killzone 4, Resistance 4, Infamous 3, God of War, and so on, on the 360. Plus all the PSN content I've already bought.


Here here. It's all about God of War, Uncharted, and whatever Team Ico wanna do. I also know that had I gone with Xbox and had a RROD, that would have been my tipping point. So many people I know have gone through 2 or 3 360's, which is ridiculous. I've got my buddy's original in my house now, and I can't believe how loud it is either. Distractingly loud.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Here here. It's all about God of War, Uncharted, and whatever Team Ico wanna do. I also know that had I gone with Xbox and had a RROD, that would have been my tipping point. So many people I know have gone through 2 or 3 360's, which is ridiculous. I've got my buddy's original in my house now, and I can't believe how loud it is either. Distractingly loud.

Yeah, the first thing I noticed when I finally got a PS3 last year was how bloody quiet it is. I was so accustomed to the roar of my 360, so it was quite a stark contrast. It's also resulted in me accidentally leaving the PS3 on for days at a time, on more than one occasion (because sometimes I'll leave it on while taking a break from gaming, switch the video input to watch TV, but then something comes up, I get distracted and forget to turn it off because it's so quiet). I actually left it on for almost a week when I was on vacation a couple months ago, but it hasn't skipped a beat. My 360 probably would've burned a whole in the floor in that situation.
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
Yeah, the first thing I noticed when I finally got a PS3 last year was how bloody quiet it is. I was so accustomed to the roar of my 360, so it was quite a stark contrast. It's also resulted in me accidentally leaving the PS3 on for days at a time, on more than one occasion (because sometimes I'll leave it on while taking a break from gaming, switch the video input to watch TV, but then something comes up, I get distracted and forget to turn it off because it's so quiet). I actually left it on for almost a week when I was on vacation a couple months ago, but it hasn't skipped a beat. My 360 probably would've burned a whole in the floor in that situation.

I still rock the old 360-but the new slim version doesn't seem to be as loud. Not sure if it's any less likely to commit arson though.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Yeah, the first thing I noticed when I finally got a PS3 last year was how bloody quiet it is. I was so accustomed to the roar of my 360, so it was quite a stark contrast. It's also resulted in me accidentally leaving the PS3 on for days at a time, on more than one occasion (because sometimes I'll leave it on while taking a break from gaming, switch the video input to watch TV, but then something comes up, I get distracted and forget to turn it off because it's so quiet). I actually left it on for almost a week when I was on vacation a couple months ago, but it hasn't skipped a beat. My 360 probably would've burned a whole in the floor in that situation.

The original sounds like a jetengine, especially with the disc spinning. The new versions are just as quiet as a ps3 though. Considering they are using laptop parts for both consoles this round (digital foundry even did some powerconsumption estimates) heat and power both should be much more reasonable this time round.

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