Bug Android - Rudy's mouth shots


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Quite often weird things happen when I shot the rudy's mouth (while their are open). Here is a list of all that happened to me:

1. Ball passes his mouth and lands in the back of his head to score "Rudy's hideout" or land in the center loop (the one which is used for ball's locking).
2. It is stucked in his mouth, scores 250k and never return to playfield. However when I do the plunger swipe ball got re-plunged. Note that camera does not go to plunger view in any time.
3. When midnight is on ball is not swallowed by Rudy but is constantly visible near his mouth. It has not impact on gameplay - this is a visual bug only.


May 19, 2012
I have the same bugs on iOS. Also, when Rudy spits out the ball for multiball play, that ball predominantly drains down the left outlane with no way to save it.


Apr 12, 2012
I've had some weirdness with the mouth shots as well:

After shooting the trapdoor at midnight, I shot the ball in Rudy's mouth while he was still screaming. I didn't get credit for a Rudy Gulp - though it did play the sound - and I did not get the standard goal completion for it.

Another time, I got a Rudy Gulp and again did not get the goal completion for it. Ended up having to do this three or four times before I finally got credit for the goal.



May 19, 2012
I think I know what's happening with that music bug. It occurs only when a new game is begun by pushing the start button while on the Funhouse main menu screen. The menu screen's background music doesn't stop when the game is launched, resulting in eventually cacophony. But if you exit the menu screen and restart Funhouse from the table select screen, there's no audio bug.

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