General PS3 Impressions Thread


Apr 13, 2012
After having played PA for hours (I really love it!) I noticed that the first time I use the left flipper there is a rather long delay, consecutive flips immediately after the first are fine. Only the programmer knows what kind of checks are done that could cause this behaviour...

I was able to adjust to it, it's only annoying during Multiball or on the Lower Level in Black Hole.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
I did some more intensive testing between the two versions last night, and I have to retract what I said earlier; there is definitely some kind of difference in the way the PS3 and 360 versions feel. It's so subtle that I only noticed it after playing 5-minute sessions alternating between them, but it's definitely there. I probably wouldn't have called it "flipper lag" myself, because it's so subtle that it doesn't feel like there's any appreciable delay on the PS3, but that's probably what it is. The 360 version just feels a touch snappier and makes aiming shots just that little bit easier.

Someone above wondered whether the lighting system is what may account for this; perhaps the little extra juice that the engine has to put out to accommodate that is what accounts for this discrepancy. I certainly hope not, but at least if that were the case it would help FarSight address the issue.

At this point, even though I've played dozens of games on the PS3, I'm strongly considering switching to the 360 version even though the PS3 version looks better for the time being. Now that I've noticed the subtle difference, I don't think I can go back, graphics be damned. I'm really looking forward to the 360 getting the lighting updates to see if that has anything to do with it.

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
I love The Pinball Arcade. The only issue I had was the freezing on the main menu when I changed tables. Aside from that, I love the game.

Can't wait for the next tables to be released.

Great job, FarSight!!!!

Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
ok let me start by saying that as a vary big pinball machine and zen/marvel pinball fan that i also love TPA and will be getting most DLC's for it that should mean a lot seeing i still love zen vary much.
i hope we get medieval madness vary soon as that's why i bought TPA to start with, i like ripley's believe it or not more then i thought i would (never got my hands on that one) and tales of arabian nights i have always loved, Great Recreations.

i am finding myself agreeing with some people/friends about live catches im thinking the flippers aren't accurate or need a better animation they can not be done not sure about the flipper lag i don't think its that bad but ill have to study it more but i think i can trust you guys on that seeing many have this problem and not just here.

nudging to do bang back is impossible, provided there is no anti bang back wire you should be able to manipulate the ball like a real pinball machine
im sure the pro pinball players can agree, a stronger nudging effect when flicking the thumb stick and a miner one with a miner flicking of the thumb stick or have the d-pad as the miner nudge sounds good too.

Things that should be added:
-an option to swap left and right analog stick controls is a must.
-night and day light effects for tables would be nice an example would be black hole table.
Edit:- and maybe some more camera choices a higher angle but of the close ones too

and help out our friends in Europe they should not have to wait that long they are bigger on pinball then most places.
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New member
Apr 11, 2012
This could totally be between my ears, but somehow the L2/R2 triggers feel less laggy to me, which is counterintuitive as those triggers have more deadzone than the L1/R2.

Maybe it's because I'm used to the deadzone due to playing POHF on 360 with triggers, and have adjusted timings accordingly for those triggers, but I generally feel more responsive with playing with L2/R2.

I read this post a few weeks back and dismissed it.

Last night, I remembered it and thought I would give it a go. I switched the controls to L2/R2..............I SWEAR THERE WAS LESS LAG!! Its better, I love it!

Everyone try this and see if you get the same results.


Apr 13, 2012
I have tried it already when I got the game ... no difference.

Anyway, I am waiting until TPA hits the EU PSN store, it will be easier for me to buy new tables from there. Maybe Farsight is able to improve the lagging issue, the delay compared to the US version is suspiciously long and I don't believe that it's just the localization.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I read this post a few weeks back and dismissed it.
Last night, I remembered it and thought I would give it a go. I switched the controls to L2/R2..............I SWEAR THERE WAS LESS LAG!! Its better, I love it!

Everyone try this and see if you get the same results.

I have vome back from this since I changed monitors. My game (same ps3, same controller) is 100% responsive on my pc monitor. When using the L2/R2 the deadzone is bugging me, causing me to be less precise with certain stuff. To test this out I went into TOTAN to practice the 2 shots that give me most issue on that table when asked to perform them in a pinch: the bazaar sinkhole and the right Tiger Loop. The L1/R1 bumbers make me hit them twice as often.

I have been convinced that it's my TV that is causing lag, even in Game Mode. I have since then read several posts on this site with people who have Sony TV's. I have a Sony TV as well. I;m now convinced that my TV is introducing a visual delay, which is more severe than input lag. You can adjust to input lag because the ball is still where it is when you see it and you can preemptively learn to press the button earlier. It's not ideal but it's workable.

Visual lag is worse because the ball ISNT where it is when you see it. You have to react to a situation that is already in the past.

Now this doesn't explain the difference people experience between Xbox and PS3 versions, but for me it's 100% my screen causing the delay. I want to try to hook my ps3 up to the VGA input of my tv to see if that helps the situation. Maybe my TV does less processing ove that input.

e: just output my ps3 over the SD cables. Same visual lag as before.

Oh and as to those suggesting a Syncing option as in Rhythm games, that just doesn't work. Rhythm games are a 100% predictable as to what note is coming next and what visual cue belongs with it. Due to this it can delay both audio and visual output up to a point where the screen and audio output is matched with what the user is supposed to see and respond to. This won't fly with an unpredictable pinball.
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New member
Apr 23, 2012
Yeah, I have a Sony TV, but it doesn't have a game mode. I just have all the extra effects turned off (something I did day 1 anyway). I tried component cables, but it didn't fix the issue. If anything, it might have been slightly worse, but it was hard to tell. Plays fine on the 360. So it just doesn't make sense.

Depending on if the visual quality improves on the 360 version, I think I'm going to buy that and stick with that. I think FS blamed the TVs in the other thread, so I'm not going to hold my breath for a fix.


Apr 12, 2012
I think FS blamed the TVs in the other thread, so I'm not going to hold my breath for a fix.
The fact that they're blaming TVs when other super-fast action games - like Modern Warfare 3 - that require pinpoint accuracy and reactions have no issues is really disappointing. It just seems like a cop-out.


Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
about my previous post i meant drop catches my pinball lingo not so good but its not that bad i can live with it i do
really need an option to swap left and right analog stick controls its more of a right handed thing for me

i still have not seen this flipper lag i tried several things including changing ps settings for color/smoothing and even playing from
a far distance i use an HDMI monitor straight hdmi cable 1080p thought id put what i have but only thing i can think of is to try
reinstalling PA im not blaming tv.
i have seen it pause for half a second in Theater of Magic multi ball but that was once

i have a few in my list that have PA i will ask them what they think about this
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New member
May 10, 2012
i have seen it pause for half a second in Theater of Magic multi ball but that was once

I have had that happen a few times and it is really disorienting. I have no issues or complaints with lag in any other way though, game plays well. Well, other than the multiplayer additional controller fiasco, but other than that. :)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
This may be somewhat off topic, but could someone who purchased TPA on the PS3 do me a favor and go to the Theatre of Magic All-Time Leaderboard and scroll all the way to the bottom and let me know what number it stops at? I'm trying to gauge how many units have been sold on the consoles so far. I already have the total for Xbox 360. Thanks.


New member
May 15, 2012
This may be somewhat off topic, but could someone who purchased TPA on the PS3 do me a favor and go to the Theatre of Magic All-Time Leaderboard and scroll all the way to the bottom and let me know what number it stops at? I'm trying to gauge how many units have been sold on the consoles so far. I already have the total for Xbox 360. Thanks.

I will do that for you right now.

Final Total: 30,282
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May 23, 2012
This may be somewhat off topic, but could someone who purchased TPA on the PS3 do me a favor and go to the Theatre of Magic All-Time Leaderboard and scroll all the way to the bottom and let me know what number it stops at? I'm trying to gauge how many units have been sold on the consoles so far. I already have the total for Xbox 360. Thanks.

Aren't the scoreboards all merged between consoles? It seems odd they would muck it up with the mobiles but not have both consoles on the same board.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Aren't the scoreboards all merged between consoles? It seems odd they would muck it up with the mobiles but not have both consoles on the same board.

As far as I know, Xbox 360 leaderboards on TPA are separate from every other platform/device.


May 23, 2012
As far as I know, Xbox 360 leaderboards on TPA are separate from every other platform/device.

So you don't have to deal with that (mobile) clutter on your leaderboards? That might be worth a 360 right there and I don't have any lag at all on my PS3 playing on a Mitsu DLP, plugged in with usb.

Which brings up the point of how do you intend to figure out how many of those 30,282 Crushed Turtle told you about are mobile vs PS3 without a very tedious hand count? There is no filter.


New member
May 15, 2012
So you don't have to deal with that (mobile) clutter on your leaderboards? That might be worth a 360 right there and I don't have any lag at all on my PS3 playing on a Mitsu DLP, plugged in with usb.

Which brings up the point of how do you intend to figure out how many of those 30,282 Crushed Turtle told you about are mobile vs PS3 without a very tedious hand count? There is no filter.

From my rough estimates and what I did watch of the screen as I scrolled through I would say 50% of those were mobile. I did hit a huge stretch at a certain score where there were probably ~2500 mobile entries at that point. I discussed with PiN WiZ about the state of the PS3 leaderboards including the fact that mobile scores are included as well as those on the PS Vita. I then cross referenced some of my scores that I set on the Vita with the Xbox 360 leaderboards and they were absent.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
So you don't have to deal with that (mobile) clutter on your leaderboards? That might be worth a 360 right there and I don't have any lag at all on my PS3 playing on a Mitsu DLP, plugged in with usb.

Which brings up the point of how do you intend to figure out how many of those 30,282 Crushed Turtle told you about are mobile vs PS3 without a very tedious hand count? There is no filter.

It's going to take me some time to sort that mess out. I might have to go to a friend's house this weekend and take a look at the PS3 leaderboards for myself to see if I can make any sense out of it.

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