A Year Is a Long Time to Put Up with Me [NP]

But apparently you all have managed it. I was stumbling around my user profile and happened to read that I joined the TPA Fans forum on 03-17-2012...exactly one year ago. So it seemed appropriate to publicly thank Gord, our administrator and sheriff 'round these parts, Jeff Strong for moderating and polling and interviewing, and everyone else for making this forum an entertaining, active, and (mostly) civil place.

When I joined a year ago, there were 4 tables. Now there are 26. There were 150 members on this forum a year ago, now there are over 2000.

Along the way I've talked about Twilight Zone entirely too much, cursed way too loudly at tables both physical and virtual, spent too much time posting here when I should have been working (although in my defense, there have been plenty of late nights and weekends), probably alarmed Mike Reitmeyer with my unraveling TPA's internal workings more than I should have, and perhaps argued with a few people here more sarcastically than was strictly necessary (to these people, I apologize).

Oh yeah, and Gord made me a moderator a few days ago. I'm still learning where everything is; becoming a mod adds a lot of buttons and menus and other doohickeys to the forum UI, most of which are not needed for what we do here, but some of which are fairly dangerous and not particularly well-labelled. I did run across the section where the banhammer is kept, but fear not, it'll hopefully be staying in its case for a long time, and most days I'll just that guy who pops up now and again to give a dissertation on how TZ detects the Powerball or explain why Cactus Canyon only had a production run of 903. You know, fun things. I might blog a bit, too, and maybe work on Sin some. (I should never have started on that project...if this doesn't take every bit of 2 years, I'll be lucky.)

So again, thanks everyone for making this place the success it has been, and here's to another great year in Forumland! :D

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