Art of Pinball HD - iOS


New member
Dec 3, 2012
Keen eye, spotting all of these. I had no idea that the tables in the Art of Pinball series were such blatant ripoffs.

'Blatant ripoff' is a little harsh IMHO, i'd say they were inspired by those tables.
The artwork and game rules are totally different. And they left out the drop targets, spinners and kick out holes.


Feb 28, 2012
I'm a sucker for EMs so this one was an insta-buy. It's almost worrying that I play less and less TPA in favor of Rob-o-bot and now this one...but too bad there are no drops and the ball feels like the lightest plastic. Argh, so close. For now, I'll stick to RBB.
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New member
May 18, 2012
I downloaded the iPad demo. Sorry to say but I think this is crap! Funny for kids perhaps.. The physics are strange and there is a very anoying glow on the ball. The graphics are not bad, but this is not my cup of t.


New member
Dec 3, 2012
The physics may be a little off, but it's consistent and not 'tuned'. It doesn't feel like 'pinball on rails'.
And the ball texture shows something other pinball simulators don't simulate: Rotational momentum of the ball.
The tables are simple in design but hard to master.

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Tables look is nice but play like a babytoy, no offense but just my opinion, the ball feels like a plastic pingpongball and the physics engine definently needs work.

this art of pinball pack app costs quite some cash with 5 ball option, flipper and ball pack included, if ask wants to meet proff pinball standards ( Zaccaria is getting there ), they should put some serious work into the art & age of pinball series.

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