Death of a loved one.


New member
Apr 5, 2013
i can't think of anything to say that won't sound trite or contrived :(
nobody here is gonna pretend we completely understand unless we went through the loss of a child, infant or baby. and time is not gonna make it better either, it's just gonna be easier to come up with temporary distractions and other things that need your attention. my sister lost her 2 year old 10 years ago, and still thinks of him every day.

chin up dude, try to be strong for the others in your family who are also hurting and who may be coping worse than you. and don't be ashamed to cry and need a hug yourself.

this pinball is just a game, TPA even less, it's just a simulation of a hobby. but it can be a handy distraction. and it creates little communities like this one, where virtual friends you will never meet can 'listen'. you can 'talk' in here, you can rant and rave and swear too i suppose.

good luck dude


New member
May 16, 2012
I've been trying to find words for a response to this thread for days, but still haven't. Apart from I'm deeply sorry for your loss.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'm sure you have all experienced this, I know that I have. This topic is not as fun as pinball, so head out if you can't relate.

I think I've gotten over the initial shock, but I'm having a really hard time coping. I wake up every morning, and there's that "oh crap" moment knowing that life isn't a dream.
I am so sorry to those in the same shoes as I.

It was a slow night tonight. Our 1.5 y/o girl is going through a phase where she won't settle for night time sleeps. After a week of constant waking and only settling when bed with of us, we worked out that she was cutting two molars concurrently. Up until this point, we were both at our wits end trying to work out what was wrong. I was starting to fill with resentment towards her.

I've spoken a lot with my mother.
It was my son. My little boy is gone.
He was almost 6 years old.

When I got to this point the thread... Well, lets just say I had a dramatic paradigm shift regarding the situation.

I hope that time is starting to ease the pain. How are you, and your family coping now, Cerberus?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
When I was 7 my 10 year old sister died. I lost my childhood. My parents lost their way. Having witnessed what they went through I know that you never get over it. It's like losing a leg. You look down expecting it to be there but it's always gone. But you do learn to carry on. And then to live. And finally learn to have fun again. A few weeks before my sister died she told me that she'd never leave me. I lost my sister but I got a guardian angel who is always by my side and has saved me from certain death on several occasions. I recently told one of my others sisters that before her death our sister told me she'd never leave me and my living sister told me that she's felt like she's had her own guardian angel ever since she died. I hadn't told anyone else that. I guess she's with us all. I didn't read this until this morning so I didn't know. But if you need her you can borrow my angel for a while. Her name is Janice. She likes to sleep with the door open.

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