Drop Stop


New member
Jun 24, 2012
Anyone ever managed to do a real drop stop in Pinball Arcade? I've tried at least a couple hundred times; starting to think it just can't be done.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I've not been able to pull one off, those these are hard to do even on a real machine. Live catches aren't that hard to pull off IRL, and especially on Zen, but they're nearly impossible on TPA. I've managed to do it maybe once every 20 or 30 games. There is no question the ball / flipper interaction needs work, but Bobby King (the lead on TPA) should address this when his responses are posted.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I've not managed a drop catch, although I'm terrible at them in real life and when one does happen it is purely by accident rather than by any skill on my part (and when it does happen, I'm usually so shocked that the ball rolls off into the drain before I recover). The general consensus is that the current flipper physics do not allow drop catching in TPA.

It is possible to do a live catch on TPA, but they're fairly ugly, to the point where whether it's actually a live "catch" could be legitimately questioned.

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