How Do FarSight Calculate Each Table's HOF Conversion Value?


New member
Sep 1, 2012
This is a tough one to explain in a thread title, so I'll clarify what I mean a bit more: what's the formula FarSight use to determine the worth of a point of Hall of Fame Score on each table? Obviously, part of it is how high-scoring each table is (I would break down and cry if asked to score 110 billion on Big Shot, for example), but some of the numbers seem...oddly specific. For example, why is the perfect score on Gorgar 1.5 million rather than 1 million, which is the rollover value for the table? Others actually seem a little extreme relative to how the table scores–to get 1,000 HOF on Genie, for instance, you have to score 10 million, which would roll the machine over 10 times! Can anyone provide some insight into this aspect of TPA's design?


New member
Aug 12, 2012
I'm guessing they base it on what players have been able to get at tournaments and such.

I think TZ and STTNG require rolling over many times - 10 times or so to reach 1000. It's just a result of the pin not having enough space to display all the digits...

Bass Mummy

Jul 26, 2012
To be honest, I think Bobby just picks a number that he feels is an incredibly high score and pegs that at 1000 points.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I'm guessing they base it on what players have been able to get at tournaments and such.

I think TZ and STTNG require rolling over many times - 10 times or so to reach 1000. It's just a result of the pin not having enough space to display all the digits...
TZ requires 12 billion, so one rollover. ST:TNG requires 27 billion, so two rollovers.

I have no idea how the actual numbers are chosen, though.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
That's good info. Somebody should build a comprehensive list, or maybe Farsight could list it in the table menu somewhere.


New member
May 16, 2012
The HoF points are listed in the standard and wizard goals overview by Brandon Debes that's stickied here somewhere.


New member
Jul 29, 2012
it'd be interesting to hear farsight's thoughts on what the number means to them. i assume the idea is to have the score represent acheiving the upper limit of skill on a table.

it seems like reaching 1000 HOF points is getting harder and harder on their newer releases. games like Bride of Pinbot, Funhouse, and Black Hole are all pretty reachable with relatively simply strategies, but more recent releases seem darn near impossible.

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