iOS - Flipper goes dead after holding for too long


New member
Jan 23, 2014
I've had this happen on multiple tables. I'll be playing and I'll have a good multiball going and I will cradle a ball in either the left or right flipper for a long time (10 sec). At some point with my finger still pressing the screen, the flipper drops the ball, it drains, and I completely lose all control of that flipper for the next few seconds. Anyone else experiencing this? It's extremely frustrating and pretty much breaks multiball unless you are just flailing away. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or there is a setting somewhere I'm not aware of.
Feb 19, 2014
It appears to be random.

I wonder if it's a problem with 5S phones or the games code.

Very strange.

*update* can't return the phone, they want me to send it into Apple (yea right, no thanks). That's total crap. But if I can confirm that the op or others who are experiencing this aren't on 5S then it could be a game issue not a phone issue...

(This was over the phone btw, going into a store may have different results well see).
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New member
Jan 23, 2014
I've had it about 6 months and I noticed the problem about 2 months ago. My wife has the same phone. I might try installing it on hers and see if it has the same problem. I'll report back.
Feb 19, 2014
I've had it about 6 months and I noticed the problem about 2 months ago. My wife has the same phone. I might try installing it on hers and see if it has the same problem. I'll report back.

Sounds good. Now that you mention it I'm gunna try this with my friends 5 as well.

Be thorough... Because this glitch is wierd. Sometimes I can play a whole game and it's fine it just starts messing up at the end. Like for instance I had a 7 billion game of Twilight Zone and it didn't start doing it until my second Lost in the Zone. Who Dunnit though seems to be the worse, I get dropped inputs and delayed inputs almost immediately.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Maybe it's not related, but I'm mentioning it anyway. I had this same problem on the Samsung S4 mini. The issue is with multiple touches. Seemingly at random, a held flipper would just drop and cause the other one to freak out and be unresponsive for a few seconds. This happened on every table, and other games with multi touches. I called customer support multiple times and they insist it is a problem with the game. Others have reported this problem on various forums and there are solutions but they involve rooting the phone, installing new drivers and firmware, all stuff that is beyond what I want to do with my phone. Even then I'm not sure those solutions will actually work, could never find info with someone having success.

I tested 2 Samsung S4minis. I tested it on another at the verizon store, and it did the same thing. But, my friends Samsung S4 worked just fine. Also my girlfriend's Samsung tablet works fine as well. The way I tested it was to hold one flipper, then just keep pressing the other, within 30 seconds I would experience the issue.

I ended up exchanging it for a HTC one and it runs TPA amazingly.

btw, there are probably apps available for iphone to test your touch screen, might want to give it a test to see if this is the problem.
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Feb 19, 2014
I can 100% confirm this issue happened on my friends iPhone 5C.

Still curious to see what shoemakers findings are and if they are the same as mine.

I had to play many times to get it to happen (it was the demo so I would reach the scoring limit very quickly). But sure enough it did.

Regarding android: I heard the HTC One doesn't run the game in full 60fps. Maybe I heard wrong?

As for this bug, it's new to this build and so far appears to only effect iPhone 5 and 5S, unless someone else chimes in.

Shoemaker: so prior to this build, you had the same phone, correct, and never encountered this bug?
Feb 19, 2014
I've never heard that. I was recommended this phone specifically for TPA. I know that it runs perfectly with no tearing, much better than samsung s4.

Yeah I was shocked at how poorly it ran on the s4, big reason I stuck with iPhones.

Didn't know about the One, I assumed it ran bad on all Androids since my experience with 5 different androids over the years, always had extremely poor results.

This bug needs way more attention. Seems to only effect 5 and 5S phones. Makes me want to go back to a 4S!


New member
Mar 14, 2013
I would also like to know, as I am about to buy an iPhone 5c. It might be a better idea for me to hold off on that for a while. My iPhone 4 hasn't had any problems besides a little glitchyness. That's fine with me though, I still haven't upgraded to iOS 7. I'm still on iOS 6. But from what I have heard, iOS 6 is better for TPA. Regardless, I need a new phone. I'm still conceder ring holding on to this phone since it hasn't done me wrong
Feb 19, 2014
I would also like to know, as I am about to buy an iPhone 5c. It might be a better idea for me to hold off on that for a while. My iPhone 4 hasn't had any problems besides a little glitchyness. That's fine with me though, I still haven't upgraded to iOS 7. I'm still on iOS 6. But from what I have heard, iOS 6 is better for TPA. Regardless, I need a new phone. I'm still conceder ring holding on to this phone since it hasn't done me wrong

My personal recommendation is that ios6 is better than 7 , and if you're on an iPhone 4 it would be very unwise to "upgrade" as performance on iPhone 4 of ios7 is very poor (they patched it to 'run better' on 4's but I very doubt it's as smooth as 6 was).

I was totally happy with my 4S (and would have been even happier had I stayed on ios6 !) the only reason I chose to get a new phone is because I needed the 64 gigs of space, and figured why not go with the top model available.

So in a nutshell, my ideal happy place would be a 64gig iPhone 4S with ios6. As it stands I'm cool with my phone but this bug sucks. I'm shocked more people aren't talking about it.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Sorry for taking so long. Been busy with a newborn! But I found that without a doubt it happens on both phones. And on mine it happens without fail on Whirlwind. Anytime I get a multiball going and cradle one or two balls. About ten seconds later BOOM there they go down the drain and flipper goes dead.
Feb 19, 2014
Sorry for taking so long. Been busy with a newborn! But I found that without a doubt it happens on both phones. And on mine it happens without fail on Whirlwind. Anytime I get a multiball going and cradle one or two balls. About ten seconds later BOOM there they go down the drain and flipper goes dead.

Oh no worries man. Congrats on the newborn!

I feel better knowing I don't need to return the phone. Hopefully this bug gets sorted out in the next update.

Stuart Webster

New member
Apr 24, 2013
I hate asking this, but are you 100% sure that your finger isn't leaving the flipper region of the screen? You can see these regions by going to the table options and turning "Show Touch Scheme" on.

I haven't been able to produce this on my iPhone 5.
Feb 19, 2014
I hate asking this, but are you 100% sure that your finger isn't leaving the flipper region of the screen? You can see these regions by going to the table options and turning "Show Touch Scheme" on.

I haven't been able to produce this on my iPhone 5.


I have many top 20 scores on mobile. So I'm no slouch at the game.

Literally what happens is your thumb is pressed down, and the flipper will go completely dead for a few seconds. Or, you'll be flipping and get a delay or it simply won't register at all.

Sometimes it happens almost immediately. Other times it can be over an hour before it happens. It's very strange.

I tested it on my brand new 5S, my friends brand new 5C, both have the same issue. Op tested it on his 5S and his wife's 5 I believe.

I can say with 100% confidence this never happened on my 4S, I probably have played at least 500 hours on that thing for nearly 2 years total.
Feb 19, 2014
Stuart, play Who Dunnit. Happens ALOT on that table. In fact I literally fired it up just now and within about 3 minutes I encountered it.

By the same token I was playing Twilight Zone last night and it didn't happen at all until my second Lost In the Zone. Op claims Whirlwind is pretty bad I'm gunna test that now (I haven't even played Whirlwind yet on my 5S).

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